04-23-2013, 03:12 PM
Biologically speaking, when we see others having a difficult experience, our mirror neurons are fired that allows us to 'empathize' with others' experiences. Then, depending upon your life experience/internal needs or desires, you may be strongly compelled to take care of things. So why does one feel this strong urge to help others? Is it out of guilt? Is it out of a need for a harmonious environment bc conflict is difficult to stomach? There are so many reasons we feel compelled. Examining, understanding, and accepting your own catalyst and working with this may be much more manageable than taking on the suffering and problems of others. Personally, this sense of overwhelming stress/distress is a calling to balance the lower rays (red, orange, yellow).
Energetically speaking, if you imagine that others' energy flows around you, and not through you, you might be able feel less weighed down by others' energy.
It's pretty remarkable (personal experience) that when I shift internally (e.g., have a bit more balance), the people around me seem to shift, too. Perhaps your sense of wellbeing/balance may influence others. In other words, you could be influential to others by your mere presence. No need to do anything to solve problems, unless asked for help, just BE-ing in a centered, balanced place.
Energetically speaking, if you imagine that others' energy flows around you, and not through you, you might be able feel less weighed down by others' energy.
It's pretty remarkable (personal experience) that when I shift internally (e.g., have a bit more balance), the people around me seem to shift, too. Perhaps your sense of wellbeing/balance may influence others. In other words, you could be influential to others by your mere presence. No need to do anything to solve problems, unless asked for help, just BE-ing in a centered, balanced place.