03-04-2010, 04:26 PM
(03-03-2010, 02:31 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:(02-27-2010, 03:44 PM)Eddie Wrote: OR, you can grow, as I do, your own vegetables, and fertilize your garden with grass clippings and hardwood leaves. You can nourish your soil with products of Light, the light that comes from the Sub-Logos; and your vegetables will incorporate into their bodies, that loving Light.
As I work in my garden, I send love to my plants.
When I harvest and eat those plants, what I take into my body, is Love, Light, and Sunshine.
Today I harvested wild lettuce from my front yard. There is this huge wild lettuce plant that I could swear wasn't there yesterday! So instead of being able to pick only a few tiny leaves, I was able to enjoy bountiful harvest. Of course I thanked the plant profusely! In fact I am enjoying that wild lettuce right now. Nothing died. There was a continuous process of life exchanged from the Earth to me. I feel the energy, the life, the condensed SunLight, right now.
I also picked some dandelion flowers. OMG have you ever eaten dandelion flowers??? They are exquisite! They're like little orbs of SunLight. I picked some yesterday and ate them immediately and they were succulent and delicious. I saved a few in a ziploc in the frig for later, and they weren't nearly as good. Eating live plants fresh from the Earth and Sun is a joy!
The dandelion is one of the most misunderstood plants. I cringe whenever I see people killing dandelions and other weeds, with chemicals, in their effort to have a pristine, homogenized lawn. How boring! And how tragic! All those wonderful plants, so alive, so bountiful, and they kill them, in favor of a plastic lawn. Then they buy such dead food from the stores, when they had a chance to eat living foods right out of their front yards.
Since last year when I started working from home, and am more tuned in to what's growing in my yard, I've seen my front and back yards both metamorphose into a garden of (mostly edible!) weeds. What happened to the grass? We've been living here 26 years and never before has the grass been taken over by weeds. Why now?
Most of us have all sorts of edible and nutritious things growing in our yards, yet aren't aware of that fact. My yard, in the spring, has various mustards (including rocket), chickory, dandelion, and other greens; and I am blessed to have a basswood tree (Littleleaf Linden) in my front yard. In the spring, when the leaves are young and tender, they are delicious eaten raw; they rival any salad green. My neighbors must think I'm batty when they see me browsing a tree in my front yard.....
Dandelions, by the way, are good for more than just a snack. Like daikon radishes and tulip-poplar trees, they have the habit of bringing bases (Calcium, Magnesium) up from the subsoil, and depositing those cations in the topsoil. They improve the soil in which they grow.
While we're on the subject of yard plants, let's not forget that many flowers are edible and delicious. Nasturtiums are one of my favorite foods, for example; they taste like watercress (to which they are related). The seed pods of tiger lilies can be stir-fried; the Japanese have edible strains of Chrysanthemums; marigold petals are edible, and beautiful; and the list goes on and on.....