Quote:the Harvest.
why just today I read how a student slashed 14 students with his knife, no gun is required for these acts. every day i read of yet other terrible events. have not we Learned anything?!
I am wondering if the whole harvest/ascension thing has Failed. not the Guides or High Spirits failing, but we all incarnated humans failing to make the grade!
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.
'Peace' does not go hand-in-hand with the harvest, necessarily... I think it's more of an awakening to a larger or higher battle that is afoot. 4D still involves conflict; 'meeting halfway' doesn't occur until 5th density. If 3D was dedicated to ascertaining the two paths available to us and choosing, then 4D is dedicated to fully fleshing out that decision. We saw a great example of that idea in Jesus (fresh in my mind from Easter). There is much that is not properly examined in the Easter story, but a major aspect to it was that Jesus, in many respects, put himself on the Cross that day. He could have ran, he could have played lawyer with Pilate; he didn't meet halfway, he went all the way. In this way, I see 4D as being ruled by passion. How intensely can you embody service to self or service to others? It doesn't take long to realize more heads are better than one in this respect (social memory complexes) and soon the battle that is able to be fought one way or the other gets larger and larger. So we have to challenge these ideas of Harvest being, as a post a few weeks ago put it, 'rainbows and unicorns'. 4D means we are rescued from the veil and are given much more functional bodies, but it does not mean we get a vacation. We will still need to 'work'. Also, the 3D world was never meant to vanish overnight, as seen in the following quote:
Quote:63.32 Questioner: When the third-density goes out of activation and into potentiation that will leave us with a planet that is first, second, and fourth-density. At that time there will be no activated third-density vibrations on this planet. Am I correct in assuming that all third-density vibrations on this planet now are those vibrations that compose the bodily complexes of entities such as we are; that that is the sum total of third-density vibrations on this planet at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full query of this working. This instrument has energy left due to transfer but there is discomfort. We do not wish to deplete this instrument. May we say that this instrument seems in better configuration, despite attack, than previous workings.
To answer your query, this is incorrect only in that in addition to the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density there are the artifacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced. This is third density.
How far off is 4D then? I don't think it's as far as others (although I don't think i'll see it in my lifetime without age reversal tech or something