02-08-2009, 07:05 PM
I just noted that to date there have been 2,553 views to this thread. It would seem, if I am proficient in searching the bring4th threads, that this is the single most (if not at least one of the most) viewed threads of all to date. This being the case, it is clear statement and proof that resounds, and may even serve as a cross section of the population as a whole, that we as a species hold always to the utmost concern the value of this life and of those we hold dearest and love. It drives the previous point above as an invitation that we may perhaps do well to question ourselves as to what we also hold as "thought" regarding what we hold dearest as "value"? I would welcome a dialog as regards this force that drives some (historically) to feel what they feel as regards this repeating story that the end is near? Our end is always as near as our next breath in any event. We as students of the LOO may all agree that "change is a comin", but need it entail death? My invitation stands: Why do we do this, and what does it say about the psychology of this, given that one may read into anything or read out of anything what one will. Why would one then hold fast and even argue fervently for it (death), and what does it say? Surely it bears looking at?
Living in faith for life, verses it's converse,
Living in faith for life, verses it's converse,