Since my work is one that heals, but does have a set payment that I have no control over, I focus on offering the info, time, or service with no attachment to getting anything in return. I treat other distributors' customers the same as my own, with no regard for whether I make any $$ or not. This way, I can focus on being of service.
Then, when $$ does flow in, I receive it graciously and with gratitude.
That is what I try to do, anyway. The only time it's a challenge is when money is tight. I really dislike having to focus on money. I'd rather focus on being of service. I probably don't make nearly as much money as I would if I focused on making money, but I feel strongly that I'd rather not compromise my values. I don't think there's anything wrong with making money from helping others; surely that is better than making money by helping criminal corporations! It's funny when people say "You shouldn't charge for your services" yet they willingly work for a corporation that is destroying the planet, or destroying lives. They don't see the contradiction. If we must work to survive in this money-driven system, then why not do work that genuinely helps others? I find it much, much more fulfilling to receive checks in the mail after reading an email from someone who thanked me for helping them restore their health, than I did back when I was a paid slave to a corporation that lacked integrity. That felt like prostitution to me; helping them do things that I wasn't in alignment with, just to earn a paycheck. Sort of like selling my soul. In contrast, helping others, then receiving money in exchange, feels honest and rewarding.
The key is to never turn anyone away because they cannot pay, and to focus on being of service, rather than how much we will receive in return. I don't think there's anything wrong with receiving. The important thing is what we choose to focus on.
Then again, true prosperity has eluded me, so now I'm wondering if maybe I'm just kidding myself and what I think is living according to my higher principles is really just a poverty consciousness.
A genuine psychic healer I knew never charged for his services, but always kept a tips jar handy. When asked, he always said "a donation is appreciated but not required. Give whatever you can, based on whatever you think the service was worth to you." He told me that some people gave nothing or very little, but others gave large amounts, which made up for those who couldn't give. He didn't keep track of who gave what, but offered his healing services with an open heart and no attachment. He wasn't living in luxury but he didn't seem to be wanting either. He taught classes on prosperity also. He was very humble.
When you receive, you allow others to give. They are 2 sides of the same coin.
But I don't have it all figured out yet. If you figure it out, please let me know!
Then, when $$ does flow in, I receive it graciously and with gratitude.
That is what I try to do, anyway. The only time it's a challenge is when money is tight. I really dislike having to focus on money. I'd rather focus on being of service. I probably don't make nearly as much money as I would if I focused on making money, but I feel strongly that I'd rather not compromise my values. I don't think there's anything wrong with making money from helping others; surely that is better than making money by helping criminal corporations! It's funny when people say "You shouldn't charge for your services" yet they willingly work for a corporation that is destroying the planet, or destroying lives. They don't see the contradiction. If we must work to survive in this money-driven system, then why not do work that genuinely helps others? I find it much, much more fulfilling to receive checks in the mail after reading an email from someone who thanked me for helping them restore their health, than I did back when I was a paid slave to a corporation that lacked integrity. That felt like prostitution to me; helping them do things that I wasn't in alignment with, just to earn a paycheck. Sort of like selling my soul. In contrast, helping others, then receiving money in exchange, feels honest and rewarding.
The key is to never turn anyone away because they cannot pay, and to focus on being of service, rather than how much we will receive in return. I don't think there's anything wrong with receiving. The important thing is what we choose to focus on.
Then again, true prosperity has eluded me, so now I'm wondering if maybe I'm just kidding myself and what I think is living according to my higher principles is really just a poverty consciousness.
A genuine psychic healer I knew never charged for his services, but always kept a tips jar handy. When asked, he always said "a donation is appreciated but not required. Give whatever you can, based on whatever you think the service was worth to you." He told me that some people gave nothing or very little, but others gave large amounts, which made up for those who couldn't give. He didn't keep track of who gave what, but offered his healing services with an open heart and no attachment. He wasn't living in luxury but he didn't seem to be wanting either. He taught classes on prosperity also. He was very humble.
When you receive, you allow others to give. They are 2 sides of the same coin.
But I don't have it all figured out yet. If you figure it out, please let me know!