(03-22-2013, 10:11 PM)Adonai-1 Wrote: I feel like stating this even if it's already obvious to a majority of you:
I see STS entities as a necessary part of the production, of the theatre we call life. Without them, life is nothing but an empty canvas. A canvas so empty, we might as well just be with the purest, blankest energy that is God himself. The left-hand path serves such an important role and it comes with much sacrifice for the entities that choose this way of life. The hate that must be felt is so taxing on the soul... I cannot help but to feel compassion for the most evil of spirits although I could not handle that path as my current self.
And with this, I find no reason to hate the darkness, the hatred, the power lust that are STS entities because in the end, when we meet their higher selves at the end of our long journeys, we will be laughing together about all the murder, war and drama we had together and how much we learned and enjoyed. We will say even the most horrific moments, the moments of absolute agony were absolute bliss. We will be gracious we learned about these parts of the creator. For even the worst perversions, rapes and diseases are part of the creator himself. This is so hard to accept even as I write this but it is the lesson we came here to learn. This is how great God's love is. As we have learned, he is all things even the hatred we feel as well as our love. Even hatred ends up equaling infinite love.
It is all an essential part in the great drama we call our universe. As absolute darkness is nothing and creation is infinity, in the end, infinity equals zero.
You are free to challenge me but I find it hard to deny my argument without arguing against the fact that all is one.
I never saw hate as an essential component of sts philosophy. Perhaps its depends on your definition of hate. To me, the word hate seems to be something closer to irrational, uncontrollable dislike, and I think sts is all about control; controlled and directed anger. But maybe it's just semantics!
I do see a lot more fear in the sts path - I think they use fear to control others, and I think deep down they focus so much on the self as opposed to other selves is because they fear possibility of the self being hurt - they can't accept that. I only say this because whenever I have selfish thoughts, they seem to be related to a fear of a self orientated situation that I have trouble accepting if it came to pass.
But I definitely agree it's definitely seemingly draining to be sts, vying for power and domination 24/7 - but maybe that is just because I am coming from an sto perspective!