03-21-2013, 08:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2013, 09:18 PM by BlatzAdict.)
(03-21-2013, 07:44 PM)rie Wrote: @ Blatzaddict what world would you like to see?
a world where we can all destroy our social barriers and become as one!
not literally become one person but many acting in concert together with compassion for one another. That is the essence of 4D society.
we may not all have the same levels of understanding toward life, but we can try to understand each other and accept each other in order to work together.
Since it is on the heart level, we must raise ourselves high enough to reach the new level of operation. From 3d dualistic, seperation, light and dark thinking team a vs team b to 4d compassion and working together, self respect as well as respect for others.
And it starts with you it starts with just making sure to feel love in the moment, every moment. just that one smile and brighten one soul's day, just that one nice gesture because you were not caught up with the self and awake enough to percieve all that around you, all of creator as creation around you.
All of it so sensitive to your thoughts and emotions. If you just as a wanderer imagine sending that love outwards farther than your own personal spheres. all the densities respond whether conscious or unconscious.
everyday should be filled with bliss as we realize each moment each interaction each thing in our lives is a catalyst for our own personal learning, and as we recognize that we not only pierce the veil, we catalyze that much faster, since time is faster.
This channeling is what I'm talking about, channelings that focus more on the personal growth aspect ring very true to me, as if this is what we are overlooking. The now.
the other channelings that focus on the past or the future, could that be light? that is light, light can be without love and love without light, and certainly our new age should not be light! it should be love AND light. i always of course equate light to knowledge
Quote:"Humanity is on a roll! Yes, you really are. The pace of change in attitudes and behaviors all across the world is gathering momentum as the newly engaged-with energies that were released to you in December 2012 strengthen your collective intent to awaken and eternally enjoy Reality — your normal fully conscious and fully enlightened state.
In that wondrous state, Love is the engine, the creative energy, the divine power grid that maintains, supports, and makes possible all that exists. It is totally clean, infinitely abundant, fulfilling, and available, and from It all of creation receives everything it could ever need or conceive of to maintain infinite quantities of live, loving, intelligent consciousness, creating further abundance in perfect beauty and harmony, eternally." Excerpt from channeling http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/2013/0...-momentum/
what is fully enlightened, it's not just seeing the frequency war, between the orions and the confederation, fear vs love, it's that war in you! so make love not war. I see a world where everyone starts to realize what it is exactly what emotions they stir not just in themselves but in others with every action they take. I believe everyone is beginning to rethink their values, this is no longer something to look forward to this is something we must live, many people must realize this otherwise I would not be here speaking so adamantly.
Of course it is not about pretending to be loving either! This is about having done all of those negative things and seeing the consequences of your actions, this is about having done negative things for so long that you are sick and tired of the drama and sick and tired of the same mental loops and hurdles you put yourself through. Baggage after baggage, it is time to heal those wounds and not push those things away! It is to unify, integrate, learn, and then release when it no longer serves you, or you no longer learn anything from the situation. You make that choice to change, to become loving in that aspect, instead of shying away.
In that very regard, the chakras activate by the very idea, the thought, because what do you need to think that way? you need to feel safe and secure with yourself - red ray open
you need to feel good about yourself enough to recognize all of your actions and thoughts and emotions that you choose to go through each day have an impact, that you are a co-creator, a spark of prime creator. this cause and effect this is divinity, creating to enact change - orange ray open
you need to go through the bad and the good, recognize the difficulty in your life, can sometimes be merely just the way you look at it. omg i'm not going to get this job, trust put that intention out that the best is in store for you afterall it is, you planned it preincarnation all of it including the drama!!! KNOW THIS this is a step beyond power and control over others, this is power and control over the self to create the mindset that you want for yourself to learn - then yellow ray open
Now we get to green ray, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, HOW HARD IS THAT? i love you no matter what. i love me no matter what... don't just say it you gotta feel it, it's not so much the saying it's the feeling behind it... then viola green ray open
NOW COMMUNICATE THIS, what is the best way we can take all of these lessons and communicate them sucessfully, by being unbridled and with unrestraint, say what you mean and mean what you say, dont' ever skirt around issues, move to the heart of the issue in speech and in your actions. be true to yourself but be able to take constructive criticism of your actions from others. if you are defensive like me, then it is a part of yourself you're still in the middle of learning how to love. like me. a part of YOUR infinity, that you must absorb, a part of yourself that has split that must become ONE. - BLUE RAY THROAT CHAKRA WISDOM, OPEN
then we get to the third eye... intuition, this takes practice! the first gut feeling you get? it is usually your inner guides and angels aspects of your 6th density self. aspects of you! trust your intuition, trust your gut reaction which a lot of times can either be the first impression or just that spark of inspiration! you do not have the capacity in all your creatorness to create divinity in 3rd density. Intuition comes from your higher self, your future self.
THEN THE CROWN LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL, SHINING AND OPEN IT IS NOW AS A RESULT OF TAKING THESE MATTERS TO HEART.. wheeeeeee and life becomes blissful.. because you see it that way. the change comes from within, not from out there.