03-21-2013, 04:19 PM
Orange Ray imbalances and blockages come from identifying other-selves as part of your persona. Your persona (your identity) is exclusive to you. This Orange Ray energy is the life-energy or prana which allows you to express your uniqueness in a fixed and finite form, known as the persona. Notice your relationships. Do you ever get angry at others because they are not as you think they should be? Do you ever get embarrassed for a family member or significant other? Do you ever apologize for someone else? Do you ever treat someone close to you with less respect than you do a stranger? Do you ever change your behavior because you want someone to like you (for personal reasons)? If so, it is likely that you have Orange Ray imbalances or blockages. The way to heal these is to pay attention to the occasions when you do these things. When you see yourself identifying with someone else rather than with your own unique persona, you must learn exactly why you are doing this. Usually, it is because there is some part of yourself that has been either left undeveloped or rejected. All aspects of the self that are discovered in this way must be accepted and loved. When you learn to accept and enjoy your persona exactly as it is, your Orange Ray will begin to crystalize.
As for Yellow Ray, the imbalances here usually involve group relationships. Status, titles, offices, and other such group-organization issues are where the imbalances will reveal themselves. Do you seek status? Do you seek group approval? Do you bow to the will of the group when it doesn't resonate with you? Do you engage in mob-mentality? Do you provoke mob-mentality? Are you afraid of public speaking? Do you lack confidence in group situations? Are you arrogant? Do you identify some group as part of your persona (like football teams, or political parties)? Do you engage in us-versus-them thinking? If so, then you probably have Yellow-Ray imbalances or blockages. The programme for healing is similar. Pay attention to yourself and others. Notice when you exhibit these attachments to groups. Find what you have rejected or ignored within yourself that makes you so attached to the group identity. Do you not trust your belief system? Do you not think you are strong enough to lead? Do you not see others as equal to yourself in value? Accept your uniqueness, accept the uniqueness of others, and then be exactly yourself at every moment. When you learn to do this, you will find yourself less and less concerned about whether you are in alignment with certain groups. You will also begin to find more and more than you act harmoniously within groups without even thinking about it.
In order to heal the general society, heal the self. The macrocosm will begin to change when the microcosm changes.
As for Yellow Ray, the imbalances here usually involve group relationships. Status, titles, offices, and other such group-organization issues are where the imbalances will reveal themselves. Do you seek status? Do you seek group approval? Do you bow to the will of the group when it doesn't resonate with you? Do you engage in mob-mentality? Do you provoke mob-mentality? Are you afraid of public speaking? Do you lack confidence in group situations? Are you arrogant? Do you identify some group as part of your persona (like football teams, or political parties)? Do you engage in us-versus-them thinking? If so, then you probably have Yellow-Ray imbalances or blockages. The programme for healing is similar. Pay attention to yourself and others. Notice when you exhibit these attachments to groups. Find what you have rejected or ignored within yourself that makes you so attached to the group identity. Do you not trust your belief system? Do you not think you are strong enough to lead? Do you not see others as equal to yourself in value? Accept your uniqueness, accept the uniqueness of others, and then be exactly yourself at every moment. When you learn to do this, you will find yourself less and less concerned about whether you are in alignment with certain groups. You will also begin to find more and more than you act harmoniously within groups without even thinking about it.
In order to heal the general society, heal the self. The macrocosm will begin to change when the microcosm changes.