03-14-2013, 02:46 PM
(02-17-2013, 03:19 PM)Ashim Wrote: I have no desire to repeat the 'death/rebirth' cycle.
(02-17-2013, 03:37 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I have no desire either to repeat death/rebirth Ashim.
What makes you think there is no incarnational death/rebirth in 4D (or even 5D or 6D)?
(02-24-2013, 08:25 AM)TheInfinite1 Wrote: The harvest is now. Many of you, my brothers and sisters, have the desire to simply ascend into fourth density. Yet, the third density body must be left behind as it will not be compatible.
Exactly. Metaphysically speaking, early 4D may be here now, but just as a 2nd-density canine or feline entity may dwell within a 3rd-density "human" environment it is still a 2nd-density entity "locked" into 2nd-density. The 2D body must be shed and a matching 3D one must be "put on" in order to properly access and partake of a 3rd density reality/illusory experiential matrix. Same applies to our present 3D-to-4D transition. 3D body must be changed by death/rebirth or be otherwise completely transmuted. Death, of course, is a far simpler process.
(02-24-2013, 02:49 PM)kdsii Wrote: One thing I've learned from these dooms-dates is that they willl NOT happen. Why? Well, why would we want to be whisked away to another world, escaping all our problems?
Then you are far ahead of the game, brother.
(03-14-2013, 02:24 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: Just another date for people who want dates. If any change does occur, it will be subtle and obvious only to those who are balanced and capable of seeing what is hidden from plain sight. Those looking for a quick escape into Narnia will be disappointed once again.
Or have you all thought the pollution and toxicity and self-inflicted damage was simply going to vanish away with a magical poof and a beautiful green Eden would appear in it stead? Oh, that would be awesome, wouldn't it? Playing the old Pontius Pilate washing his hand so as to say "I am not responsible for this" and then be instantly rewarded with the mystical Shangri'La? What about all the mountains of trash and junk and waste stacking up upon the face of the earth or clogging up in the depths of the ocean? What about all the massive, colossal, gargantuan edifices of steel and concrete and all the pavement roads and highways that permeate every major urban, metropolitan area and megacity? What about the millions upon millions of transportation and cargo vehicular machines like automobiles, trains, and ships? Where is that all going to go? You think you can just toss it all into the recycle bin and hit delete? Think trees and flowers are simply going creep up and overrun the cities converting them into natural paradises and love spas?
This is not intended to promote pessimism, but rather to offer a reality-check. To believe the planet will spontaneously turn into a heavenly garden in a 24-hour period is... well, childish, to say the least. It is only wishful thinking.
There exist probability/possibility vortices that may always change the flow and promptitude of events, but we're either looking at a 100-or-so year transition preceded by major natural "catastrophes" that increase and magnify in frequency and intensity over a period of time (together with intensified social upheaval and civil unrest), perhaps culminating with a pole shift or... a 700+ year much "slower" but less "traumatic" transition without many natural or planetary "disasters." For what it's worth, this remains being my intuitive calculation.
Either way, our 3D physical vehicles are, at some point or another, and out of 3rd-density necessities, going to expire, whether naturally or accidentally. At that point some will have fulfilled the contract, so to speak, and leave this 3rd-density experiential nexus to return to their native density. Those who stay with this planet, remember one need not re-incarnate immediately after death. Re-incarnation may occur perhaps 100 or 700 or 2,100 years from now, depending on opportunity and teach/learning needs.
Either way, this planet is quickly becoming a 4th-density sphere.
Neither one of us is here by mistake, but for a reason.
Go forth then, rejoicing in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator.