03-12-2013, 04:25 PM
(03-12-2013, 12:07 AM)Adonai-1 Wrote: Let me rephrase myself: Does not hatred entail a desire to destroy what currently exists? Yes, the said STS entity may desire a different creation after said destruction but is destruction still not entailed?
The hatred you speak of is simply a negative distortion of Love. Yet it is, essentially, still Love; for there is no other energy through which action is brought about.
Unfortunately, destruction, like chaos, death, distortion, power, ego, and illusion have extremely negative connotations (especially in modern, civilized, "westernized" culture). Destruction is not Creation's antithesis. Let us examine this word more carefully: de-struction. It's proper opposite is con-struction. What both have in common is the term struction, which refers to structure. So to de-struct (or destroy) is simply to tear down, to disassemble, to dismantle a structure. Thus, destruction is merely one side of the the ever-spinning coin that is Creation.
When you chop down a tree to make a chair or a table out of it, have you not just destroyed something to build something else in turn? Transformation. This is the essence of Creation. Creation is not something static or immutable, it is a continual process of flux and re-flux where change is the only constant: destruction, construction, dis-arrangement, re-arrangement. In other words: transmutation, or alchemy.
The Logos itself, the Original Thought of Universal Love is a destructor. The Great Architect not only builds, but destroys:
Quote:80.22 We have discussed the possibilities of contact with intelligent energy, for this energy is the energy of the Logos, and thus it is the energy which heals, builds, removes, destroys, and transforms all other-selves as well as the self.
By destroying something you are invariably creating something else. The Creation is simply a Transformation. I would also replace destruction with dissolution (the meaning is essentially the same but the difference is subtle). After all, do we not all dissolve into total, pure Oneness/Infinity at the end of Creation and thus begin a new Creation? That is the ultimate blissful destruction/dissolution.
Quote:Remember, negative polarity is simply what is not.
And yet that which is not exists within that which is. O the paradox!
PS: I wouldn't look up to negative StS "role models" on cartoonized television series or Hollywood movies. The true negative entity is a hidden hand behind the curtains, pulling strings from the shadows—of the shadows. They are the true movers and shakers, not the puppet presidents and public figures dancing on stage. Those are newbies, amateurs, if anything. And to define negativity as "hatred" and "destruction" is folly, to say the least. Also, there is a certain elegance and refinement to negative wisdom too—a horrendous and terrible type of beauty, if you will, when seen through the proper lenses.
PS 2: Let us remember, all is One.