02-28-2010, 04:31 AM
Thanks ahktu and Questioner! I've been trying to stay open & conscience while going through my days and breath through my heart as I do my thing. Greeting each person I have the blessing to see face to face, looking in their eyes and breathing through my heart. I have to say that I can tell a difference. I'm also beginning to realize how many very loving very open people I know & come across in my life. Very open loving people who might not get much love radiated to them from such a direct source. Some I get the feeling might be Wanderers. Then I realized that I think that's another aspect of my work here. When loving people see that love mirrored (and mirrored back) to them it can be a wonderful blessing for both peeps. I now realize I'm left with a feeling of not being alone. And through my life I have sometimes been blind to that.