03-02-2013, 12:16 AM
I am going to quote part of an old thread, but Q'uo have talked many times about DNA 'upgrades'
(06-01-2010, 08:53 PM)Cyclops Wrote: Here are quiet a few of them which may give an overview on the changing of DNA.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation November 2, 2003
Quote:The DNA of which you speak is affected by thought. Consequently, if, by the disciplining of the personality, an entity is able to begin to tune the heart to living in an open, loving, and vulnerable state, such as that state fourth-density entities [experience], the perceptions that come into the mind and that tell the body what is occurring are those perceptions which will automatically hook up that which is not hooked up within the DNA strands. The stimulus for the body is the mind; so in working with the mind to move from what this instrument would call mental thinking into heart oriented thinking, it is the movement from third-density to fourth-density thinking. As the heart is allowed to think and to be strong in moving into a major part of the process of perception, the body will follow, being a creature of the mind.
Q'uo Special Meditation February 6, 2003
Quote:However, the structure of DNA is not limited by these manipulations which may be done by your men and women of science. These spirals of light that cohere for the formation and continuation of [life] are born from states of consciousness or matrices of perception rather than being limited by the current instructions of the current DNA. The energies of unity and unconditional love once welcomed into the heart and worked with in a persistent and conscientious manner begin to lend to the mind of the meditator and seeker of silence access to a state of consciousness in which there are no limitations. In this state of consciousness infinite energies flowing in infinite supply at all times and there is ample energy to fuel any state of consciousness to which the focus, the desire, the purity and the process of an entity has brought him.
Is it easy to attain a state of consciousness that builds new strands of DNA? For a very few it is relatively easy. However, for most it is a great challenge. The hope of the various populations of your sphere, then, may be based upon that hope that springs forever from the heart. That hope to seek and find, to open up that source of magic that makes the impossible possible.
Q'uo Special Meditation February 6, 2003
Quote:This work of connecting DNA strands through alterations in consciousness is work that is as accessible as the next moment, that moment when one ceases speaking and enters the silence with a full heart. This moment is as far away as the nearest star. It is the kind of choice that entities may look at from the worldly point of view and say, what a nice structure, what a pleasant fantasy, that fantasy of creating the self anew and transforming the self into an entirely different kind of person. However, from the standpoint of faith there is available another point of view. That point of view is inscribed within what this instrument would call the magical personality.
Q'uo Special Meditation February 6, 2003
Quote: It is entirely possible through the discipline of the personality, through the seeking after silence, and through the other giving of oneself to the will of the Creator to move into that space wherein there is a true, real possibility of literally designing and building DNA in many of those who come now to birth upon your planet.
Q'uo Special Meditation February 6, 2003
Quote:The entities you call your scientists begin to find again and again that there are more strands of DNA found within many of the children being born upon your planet at this time and even those who have been born with usual DNA are found to be creating new strands within their incarnation. This is that which we were speaking of when we were mentioning that empowerment of DNA. Indeed, more and more entities among your people are able to share in a charismatic sense a good deal of that state of consciousness for a limited amount of time, it being a yellow-ray sharing rather than that which comes from the truly unified heart. Within this influence it is entirely possible that many would find it maximally potentially doable to lift themselves into a state of mind which indeed is true freedom, that state of mind which no longer is connected to fear, is no longer connected to the desire to defend, but is free to love, to radiate, to embrace.
The DNA angle, shall we say, is a very helpful one to bring up for entities as it is, indeed, the heart of the penetration into the illusion of the structure of the spiritually or energetically formed world. The changes that will allow entities within third density to welcome fourth density life are bound up in the further strands of DNA that are formed with the full consciousness of unconditional love.
Hatonn Sunday Meditation September 11, 1998
Quote:That which is mental is a matter of programming as you know that are aware from what you have said and can be reprogrammed and this is what we were attempting to say about DNA itself. As the vehicle slowly follows evolution of a species so your mind can be reprogrammed by your conscious direction of will in appropriate circumstances. However, that which is eternal within you and which is related not to a day-to-day activity but to the personality which expresses itself in a timeless and instant vibration at all times, is not being fully reprogrammed by a mental reprogramming but is influenced over many lifetimes and many experiences.
Q'uo Special Meditation August 12, 2007
Quote:And yet you may change your DNA, as some of you are quite sure and aware at this time, by the way you think and by the way you manifest your thoughts so that you bring forth into third density higher densities of awareness.
Those of you who wish to live into fourth density positive upon this planet, which shall soon completely be descended, not only interpenetrating third density but taking over third density completely, may live as though you were in fourth density now. It is as simple and as nearly impossible as that. But you can penetrate that mystery of love. You can change your DNA so that you create four and then eight and then twelve and then up to twenty-four spirals of DNA. And eventually, as you do create the differences in every cell of your body, you shall, more and more, walk the universe freely.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation May 2, 2004
Quote:Since fourth density is here, since entities are living in a combined third-density/fourth-density atmosphere, there is an increasing ability for all people to work upon the, what this instrument would call, DNA; to work upon the self at the cellular level, lifting consciousness and asking it to take hold of the new reality that is interpenetrating third density.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation April 17, 2005
Quote:Then what holds you within the density of your choice? Certainly, you incarnated in a third-density body, but your very DNA, in every cell of your body, is waiting for you to remember who you are. And in the quality of your remembrance comes the opportunity to form new strands of fourth-density DNA. And this is happening among your peoples at this time. It is possible for you as well.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation January 21, 2007
Quote:In the environment of consciousness and the heart, we are looking not at manifestation but at energy expenditures. We are looking at the vibration which an entity has. [b]This vibratory complex is as your fingerprint or your DNA, on a metaphysical level. [/b]Let us explain this briefly.
Consciousness is, at base, precisely the same in all of you. And as you move into more and more maturity, spiritually speaking, you will begin to discover that consciousness is impersonal, carrying the nature and quality of the Creator Itself which is the Logos or unconditional love. Each of you has this consciousness and works, either fitfully or steadily, with this consciousness in moments of insight, in dreaming, and so forth.
That which you are doing at any particular moment may be affecting your vibration. You have the ability and the capacity to change your vibratory nature, to lift it up. Indeed, you will gradually change in vibration through the effects of life experience, whether or not you intend to progress. If you do intend to progress and take steps to focus in on your energy body, the expenditures of energy for which you are responsible, and the decisions which have ethical implications, you are accelerating the pace of your spiritual evolution.