03-01-2013, 07:51 AM
(01-20-2013, 12:36 PM)caycegal Wrote: It's not always clear when making decisions which way one is going. Also, I think one's ability to understand and make wise decisions is a learning process. I remember in my 20's making some big STS decisions, and fortunately I was able to learn a lot from the rapid karmic blowback that came my way. Fortunately my spiritual helpers were on duty helping me to see the connection between my decisions and the karma, and fortunately it was fast - might have been harder to see the connection if it had taken decades rather than months or years.
polarity is still an issue of some confusion.
the best way that I can understand it is that the positive path leads to an opening of the heart, and the negative path to a closing of the heart. Energetically, that is how the 'choices' that we make are expressed.
through the opening of the heart, the positive path opens itself to All of creation, and works to accept and integrate all that comes its way (experiences, thoughts, etc etc).
the negative path closes the heart and leads to progressively higher levels of separation from the rest of the universe. This, of course, is only tenable to a certain degree, to the point where one is a small speck of highly crystallised and controlled light in 6th density, and then the floodgates are opened to the rest of creation, and that small speck of the highly developed Creator rejoins the rest of creation.
there seems to be some simple identification that is made that STO = good, and STS = evil, but that moral paradigm is not immediately transplantable. There is a greater degree of subtlety when free will is brought into the analysis, and the methods of effective polarization are considered.
I think you've made an important identification in the "karmic blowback", as, in my opinion, all karma is a consequence of thoughtforms of separation; which is useful feedback for those on the positive path (I did something taking me the wrong or unintended direction) and also feedback for those on the negative path (I am doing the thing that is supporting my path).
instant karma is available for those who are sensitive enough to it ... it occurs in the mind, and can be alleviated before it becomes a physical happenstance; the consequences of which are much less easily undone.