02-23-2013, 03:49 PM
Non-action (waiting) seems like a form of action, that is basically empty, but could give off an illusion of actually 'creating'/doing something.
Then there are many reasons given as to why action is not possible from the frame of reference people have thru own understanding of possibilities & limitations (creating boundaries around the self)... then attribute these limitations to internal (e.g., fears, mental health, physical limitations, time/space) and external factors (e.g., 3D, gov't institutions) that some claim they have no control/ownership of.
But then, no consideration is given to why these limitations were put into operation in the first place... foreclosing on alternative possibilities prematurely, and not taking the opportunity to discover/explore these self-imposed limitations, as well as discovering own resources.
Then there is reliance on channeling and mystical explanations that further distances the person from the gold-mine opportunity to know oneself. The most accessible solution is to seek channeled information and use these explanations to rationalize the existence and maintenance of the status quo (being stuck in one's own limitations) and the offered solutions (escape from this reality without much effort on our part).
And you still don't go anywhere with that because dates/events/channeled info gives off placebo effects that lasts for the short-term to cope/manage with these self-imposed blockages. How many disappointments are people willing to endure? Unless that becomes the 'norm' then we're in for more cycles of the same dance.
Then there are many reasons given as to why action is not possible from the frame of reference people have thru own understanding of possibilities & limitations (creating boundaries around the self)... then attribute these limitations to internal (e.g., fears, mental health, physical limitations, time/space) and external factors (e.g., 3D, gov't institutions) that some claim they have no control/ownership of.
But then, no consideration is given to why these limitations were put into operation in the first place... foreclosing on alternative possibilities prematurely, and not taking the opportunity to discover/explore these self-imposed limitations, as well as discovering own resources.
Then there is reliance on channeling and mystical explanations that further distances the person from the gold-mine opportunity to know oneself. The most accessible solution is to seek channeled information and use these explanations to rationalize the existence and maintenance of the status quo (being stuck in one's own limitations) and the offered solutions (escape from this reality without much effort on our part).
And you still don't go anywhere with that because dates/events/channeled info gives off placebo effects that lasts for the short-term to cope/manage with these self-imposed blockages. How many disappointments are people willing to endure? Unless that becomes the 'norm' then we're in for more cycles of the same dance.