02-19-2013, 06:13 PM
Maybe the connection between mental health conditions and being a 'wanderer' is that the base rate is higher for those conditions that 'wanderers' tend to live with (e.g., depressive and anxiety disorders). That means that the chances of someone who self-identifies as a wanderer, has a high chance of also having certain condition because it's widely diagnosed in the general population. But then, if all qualified diagnosticians do a thorough diagnosis of all who have 'mental illnesses' I am certain there are many false-positive diagnoses.
If you're talking personality disorders (how it's conceptualized now), it's even more rare and misunderstood and misdiagnosed. We all can identify with these personality features without having the actual disorder (the 'traits'), and that goes for non-wanderers and wanderers. For Ra to say that they are prone to these disorders doesn't make sense to me unless personality disorder is understood in the more traditional sense.
If you took a checklist of wanderer characteristics I bet many people on this earth will be wanderers, just like anybody with a depression checklist or list of psychiatric symptoms would think they are 'ill' for merely endorsing a few statements.
So, how is this identity called 'wanderers' helping you on 3D earth? Eventually, like any identity, it has its utility then you move on once you peel off that mask.
If you're talking personality disorders (how it's conceptualized now), it's even more rare and misunderstood and misdiagnosed. We all can identify with these personality features without having the actual disorder (the 'traits'), and that goes for non-wanderers and wanderers. For Ra to say that they are prone to these disorders doesn't make sense to me unless personality disorder is understood in the more traditional sense.
If you took a checklist of wanderer characteristics I bet many people on this earth will be wanderers, just like anybody with a depression checklist or list of psychiatric symptoms would think they are 'ill' for merely endorsing a few statements.
So, how is this identity called 'wanderers' helping you on 3D earth? Eventually, like any identity, it has its utility then you move on once you peel off that mask.