i see forgiveness as an excellent way for us to get rid of the baggage we no longer need to carry. forgiveness of self and of others selves. its important to recognize this baggage is in the chakras. i like the idea of conscious programming, telling ourselves we forgive everyone and everything. but for me it doesnt mean a whole lot without feeling. before we can really clear out the chakras, we must be well aware of our mind/ego and learn to move past it....obviously there are many techniques and teachings around that subject, and it is a different path for all of us so i wont discuss further.
it is shown indirectly in many teachings, but directly by Ra and the Law of One - 'first we initiate the mind, then we initiate the body' for those who arent well aware of their mind and the ego attachments to their mind, meditation doesnt seem to be as useful. of course, this will vary with all of us. when one learns to move past the mind, they can then use the mind during meditation as a powerful tool. or even better, silencing the mind completely and moving into a state of being.
breathing techniques can be good during meditation, by simply breathing with intent. we breath in the feeling, the intent, the idea of love - light - healing - forgiveness - whatever your aim may be. we are breathing out that which no longer serves us. jealousy - envy - hate - regret - etc. slow, deep breaths. and really try to feel what it is that you are intending. this is the power of the conscious mind and the will. for beginners, see if you can keep your mind single pointed on your intent, with the breath for 10 minutes alone. it might prove harder than you think. and when youre done, you might actually feel better than you might think
the best technique i have found for clearing out blockages is internal gazing. i ended up awakening my 'kundalini' energy after doing this enough times. sit, feel, breathe, become one with the chakra until you can really feel it. this means, not assuming what youre feeling. not labeling what youre feeling. just experiencing what the energy centers are trying to show you. for me it only speaks through 'feelings', and these feelings come from a place beyond the mind. the mind must be still when exploring these areas for any real magic to take place.
this is a short summary of a few techniques i really like, but i do so for a reason. it is up to you to get in there and feel yourself out.... to see what works best for you! i hope this helps anyone who is looking to take an approach at clearing out blockages
it is shown indirectly in many teachings, but directly by Ra and the Law of One - 'first we initiate the mind, then we initiate the body' for those who arent well aware of their mind and the ego attachments to their mind, meditation doesnt seem to be as useful. of course, this will vary with all of us. when one learns to move past the mind, they can then use the mind during meditation as a powerful tool. or even better, silencing the mind completely and moving into a state of being.
breathing techniques can be good during meditation, by simply breathing with intent. we breath in the feeling, the intent, the idea of love - light - healing - forgiveness - whatever your aim may be. we are breathing out that which no longer serves us. jealousy - envy - hate - regret - etc. slow, deep breaths. and really try to feel what it is that you are intending. this is the power of the conscious mind and the will. for beginners, see if you can keep your mind single pointed on your intent, with the breath for 10 minutes alone. it might prove harder than you think. and when youre done, you might actually feel better than you might think

the best technique i have found for clearing out blockages is internal gazing. i ended up awakening my 'kundalini' energy after doing this enough times. sit, feel, breathe, become one with the chakra until you can really feel it. this means, not assuming what youre feeling. not labeling what youre feeling. just experiencing what the energy centers are trying to show you. for me it only speaks through 'feelings', and these feelings come from a place beyond the mind. the mind must be still when exploring these areas for any real magic to take place.
this is a short summary of a few techniques i really like, but i do so for a reason. it is up to you to get in there and feel yourself out.... to see what works best for you! i hope this helps anyone who is looking to take an approach at clearing out blockages