02-06-2013, 09:12 PM
From this Q'uo session, in which the question was "What are angels?":
And from the Ra material:
Some members of the Confederation can be considered angels. But they are not the same as the "true" angels which have never left the vibration of the Creator, and which serve various functions regarding incarnations and harvest.
And maybe you can be an angel, Gemini.
(from that same Q'uo session
Although I get the feeling that Q'uo might be talking about very young children here.
Quote:The hierarchy of the angels of which you have asked us is just as regular and predictable. You have angels at the level of Creator, and you have angels at the level of personal angels. You have everything in between. They carry responsibilities according to their hierarchy. What makes angels unique is that they have never left the vibration of the Creator. They have never departed from the one original Thought of unconditional love. They have never incarnated and they never will. While they have characteristics that can seem to be like a personality, to say that angels have a personality is to anthropomorphize [1] incorrectly.
Angels are love. Angels are love responsible for realms in a hierarchical manner. There are those which work with your sub-Logos, the sun, in creating the archetypal mind and the blueprint for the densities in this particular creation. There are angels who are attracted to vibrations and flock to those whose vibration are beautiful to them. You may not feel beautiful, dear ones, especially when you are struggling, yet to those who vibrate in unconditional love, the qualities of one who is seeking to learn and to serve are irresistible. It takes a great deal of courage to persist in a spiritual preoccupation, and each of you is [very] beautiful to us and to the angels.
And from the Ra material:
Some members of the Confederation can be considered angels. But they are not the same as the "true" angels which have never left the vibration of the Creator, and which serve various functions regarding incarnations and harvest.
Quote:(19.7) The Confederation, as we have stated previously in these sessions, is composed of many of those in other densities, in your own density, within your planetary sphere, and within the inner or angelic realms.
Quote:48.8 Questioner: Who supervises the determination of further incarnation needs and sets up the seniority list for incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a query with two answers.
Firstly, there are those directly under the Guardians who are responsible for the incarnation patterns of those incarnating automatically, that is, without conscious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. You may call these beings angelic if you prefer. They are, shall we say, “local” or of your planetary sphere.
Quote:(51.1) There are those of three levels watching over harvest.
The first level is planetary and that which may be called angelic. This type of guardian includes the mind/body/spirit complex totality or higher self of an entity and those inner plane entities which have been attracted to this entity through its inner seeking.
The second class of those who ward this process are those of the Confederation who have the honor/duty of standing in the small places at the edge of the steps of light/love so that those entities being harvested will not, no matter how confused or unable to make contact with their higher self, stumble and fall away for any reason other than the strength of the light.
And maybe you can be an angel, Gemini.

(from that same Q'uo session

Quote:There is another class of angels that is indeed angelic and yet [these angels] have had incarnations. Those are the entities who have chosen to be angels but were not angels from the Creator. Yet between incarnations it became apparent to these souls that the work that they wished to do was angelic. And so these entities were incarnated and lived for a short time on this terrestrial ball you call Earth. And then, seemingly far before their time, they were taken. Instead of moving into the healing of the incarnation and the choosing of another incarnation, these particular entities move into the angelic realm. They are able to become angels because of their innocence within incarnation. These little ones are especially fond of those whose hearts are open and are very grateful to rest in that open heart that will accept them.
Although I get the feeling that Q'uo might be talking about very young children here.