02-06-2013, 01:53 PM
Interesting examples... not sure about a wrong or right way to react to this.
I guess it would depend on how I feel.
I remember sitting in a cinema in Italy, with a friend (now I am rather tall and long hair, which means, my head and shoulders obstructed a lot view wise since most Italians are smaller)
and two people sitting behind us were indeed complaining that they could not see well, with us in front of them, but in a half joking way.
So we moved and sat down somewhere else, since there was enough free seats and those behind us were a bit taken aback and said "ohh it wasnt meant that way, you didn't have to move" and we just shrugged it off and laughed.
I guess that dude in your example just has no clue about politeness or maybe thinks friendly is for pussies, and his "ahh so much better" was probably his way of saying thanks to the guy who moved.
I guess it would depend on how I feel.
I remember sitting in a cinema in Italy, with a friend (now I am rather tall and long hair, which means, my head and shoulders obstructed a lot view wise since most Italians are smaller)
and two people sitting behind us were indeed complaining that they could not see well, with us in front of them, but in a half joking way.
So we moved and sat down somewhere else, since there was enough free seats and those behind us were a bit taken aback and said "ohh it wasnt meant that way, you didn't have to move" and we just shrugged it off and laughed.
I guess that dude in your example just has no clue about politeness or maybe thinks friendly is for pussies, and his "ahh so much better" was probably his way of saying thanks to the guy who moved.