(02-06-2013, 01:33 AM)xise Wrote: Perhaps the example was not the best one. But there are numerous examples that occur in many social groups of single guys.
You will notice that the alpha seldom gets such comments. And the lowest in the social pecking order will get the most. And of course, it is related to justification or vulnerabilities or things just outside of the "norm."
It seems to be interrelated to a subtle power struggle for social hierachy within the group.
Judging by these comments, you know exactly what's going on..
It's a hierarchy that's being created. It's kind of like the fish are nibbling at one another to see who the strongest is. It's a game that's played over and over again in our world which we have been conditioned to accept. It's the game of STS which has permeated all throughout our society.
I personally don't derive any satisfaction from putting another down or seeing another's pain. I see very little funny about the show America's Funniest Videos, for example - it's people doing something dumb which hurts themselves. Pain for another does nothing except make me feel pain.
I kind of think of conversation or interaction at some level as an exchanging of energy. Positive, uplifting comments increase someone's energy. Negative comments rob people of energy. STO, in my mind, starts with helping others increase their energy with positiveness. As you create the positiveness in others, it only naturally comes back to you, and so on. Then you change the world for the better..
People who make negative comments like that are caught in the trap of thinking their happiness relies on making themselves feel good by putting others down. They knowingly or unknowingly reduce the energy of the experience and others.
So, what to do?
For me, when confronted with an energy robbing statement, my first reaction often is that it has a small energy robbing effect - I am afterall, imperfect (that's the understatement of the century ). Then I take a step back and realize that they just don't understand yet, and they need to be accepted for what they are. As Jesus would say "They know not what they do".. But, depending on the situation, I might give them some feedback too in the way it should be done in this play we call our lives - I don't play the weak pushover in this play. They've also created a situation where they won't have personal power over their world, but that's the lesson they need to learn..
To my mind, the question you raised here is at the core of what we are here to really understand. Being of service to others and enjoying the power of the creation starts with a generous smile to others - those whom are considered the lowliest people by our society. People who don't get that just don't get that and there's nothing you can do about it.
Part of third density is that we have the opportunity to see a bunch of stuff that we don't like so we can choose to live our own lives differently. And man, do we see a bunch of stuff we don't like .. Be the heretic..