02-06-2013, 01:38 AM
Bigfoot 101 Must see Bigfoot Video: Update on the Tent Video, Musky Allen, FBFB and Rick Dyer Wrote:This video is meant to bring people up to speed on what is happening in the Bigfoot world. Musky Allen is a researcher who takes the skeptical point of view. He is flying to Las Vegas to see to be the Body of a 8 1/2 foot tall 600 pound Bigfoot. Facebook.com/findbigfoot also has booked tickets to see Rick Dyer, but that will not happen for a couple of weeks. We hope to interview Musky Allen after he meets with Rick Dyer. FBFB confirms that the video is real and we believe there is additional evidence to prove that Sasquatch definitely exist in North America.Yes, it's a circus. But there is quite a bit of backstory to it actually. Hoax or real deal?