02-05-2013, 01:24 PM
Quote:15.11 Questioner: Can you tell me how you balance the ego?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot work with this concept as it is misapplied and understanding cannot come from it.
Ego literally means I in Latin, so I always found it quite humorous (not to mention hypocritical) how people speak of the "ego" as being such a bad and negative thing that needs to be overcome, abandoned or eradicated. Wasn't one of the purposes of 3rd-density to become a functioning individuated "self" (I/Ego), after all?
I understand how people use the term nowadays (i.e. the aggrandizement of the self), but I believe it's distorted beyond its original meaning and terribly missaplied. It is an unworkable concept in my opinion.
If Ra were speaking in Latin rather than English, they would say "Ego sum Ra" at the beginning of each answer.