(01-20-2013, 03:52 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Thanks Monica. Went to a Christian church today that was pretty much nondenominational. Talked with a great guy after that helped at least get me back on level ground. But I'd love to hear Carla's take on the subject.
He told me that we can know God by his character, rather than his name.
The entity that was playing with me told me his name was Jehovah.
The guy told me that war in the bible was a last resort, that people were ignoring Jehovah's warnings.
It was Jehovah that the entity was using as a name that messed with me.
So we have to be careful about the name of who we are following.
If going to a Christian church gives you peace, then go for it! I would advise being careful with any old testament references, though. Christians don't know that STS entities messed with the Israelites, so they think everything in the whole Bible, including the old testament, is ok. They tend to make excuses for the genocide and tyranny in the old testament.
I have read and studied the old testament, and was shocked to discover that the entity they thought was 'God' actually commanded them to steal the land from the neighboring tribes, and slaughter all of them, even the children. It wasn't a 'last resort' but an actual command by the entity they thought was 'God.'
So do enjoy the love, praise and worship at Christian churches, but please be careful to not take in any negative teachings about the old testament. I personally would ignore anything related to the old testament and accept only the words of Jesus, whom we know was positive and love-based.
With that suggested guideline in mind, you might get wonderful benefits from going to a church. It might help keep you centered. Carla goes to church, while ignoring the dogmatic parts that don't resonate. Her chosen church isn't very dogmatic, so it's not too hard in her case. But many of the 'non-denominational' churches have their own rigid dogma, so my suggestion is to focus on the love, praise and worship, but screen out any fear-based dogma or anything that seems to glorify elitism or violence.
It's definitely a mixed bag!
If you would like to add any additional questions for Carla, please let me know! She's the one to ask on this. She can probably offer you some tips on how to have a good experience in a church, without taking in the dogma.
I see nothing wrong with praying to Jesus, if that resonates with you and makes it easier to adapt to the church. You can't go wrong with Jesus!