forum shadows, love it or hate it?
Accept it
This place is not free it has rules because it follows STO opposite to STS. That alone tells, that being here is a choice within certain guidelines. For if there was an universal way everyone could be at any moment. Ways of STO and STS would cease to exist. There would be only one way.
I come here to experience/share what I perceive as love. I am quite aware of the darker things of life. I can experience them everyday if I so choose. Usually I do not, and coming here I do not seek the "lower" vibrations that we all have. But I am aware that they will be found here sometimes. I try to help peeps, when I see something like that happening here. Following my true feelings and I share what I feel is right.
As many others I feel the mods are doing an exceptional job with the rules set. Are the rules perfect? No I think, and they should be ever questioned as everything. But they are acceptable when one is on the path to STO me thinks. That is why this place exist. Like Aaron said this forum has a specific goal/aim. And I am quite sure it is in the lines of service to others. As thus it will have rules that reflect this way, as would a service to self forum have ones that reflect their path.
I am just sharing my thoughts on this. I think its a great thing that you brought this up Oceania. We should confront the shadows not hide them. But we do not need to let them loose here just because of the catalyst.
If they do appear, we should handle them in the light of STO and withing the rules we agreed to follow here.
This place aims to create balance me thinks, but it is not so itself, in its core. By its creation it means to focus on the light. But balance needs the to include the dark as well. The sun covers half the word all the time, the other half is needed for the dark. For there are dwellers who live in the night. Think animals, bugs, bats..
We come here for the light, we get the darkness probably els where. On one level or an other. So together these create the opportunity for balance. I think we should not encourage to share the shadow here, but when it comes. Accept it and give it love
I get what you are trying to say Oceania even if it may fail to reflect it in my words. Also this should be discussable without anyone becoming under fire so to speak. And I am very curious to understand more view points on this matter. As meine alone is but one.
Lets focus on the matter at hand
(Edit: fixed some unintentional grammar)
Accept it
This place is not free it has rules because it follows STO opposite to STS. That alone tells, that being here is a choice within certain guidelines. For if there was an universal way everyone could be at any moment. Ways of STO and STS would cease to exist. There would be only one way.
I come here to experience/share what I perceive as love. I am quite aware of the darker things of life. I can experience them everyday if I so choose. Usually I do not, and coming here I do not seek the "lower" vibrations that we all have. But I am aware that they will be found here sometimes. I try to help peeps, when I see something like that happening here. Following my true feelings and I share what I feel is right.
As many others I feel the mods are doing an exceptional job with the rules set. Are the rules perfect? No I think, and they should be ever questioned as everything. But they are acceptable when one is on the path to STO me thinks. That is why this place exist. Like Aaron said this forum has a specific goal/aim. And I am quite sure it is in the lines of service to others. As thus it will have rules that reflect this way, as would a service to self forum have ones that reflect their path.
I am just sharing my thoughts on this. I think its a great thing that you brought this up Oceania. We should confront the shadows not hide them. But we do not need to let them loose here just because of the catalyst.
If they do appear, we should handle them in the light of STO and withing the rules we agreed to follow here.
This place aims to create balance me thinks, but it is not so itself, in its core. By its creation it means to focus on the light. But balance needs the to include the dark as well. The sun covers half the word all the time, the other half is needed for the dark. For there are dwellers who live in the night. Think animals, bugs, bats..
We come here for the light, we get the darkness probably els where. On one level or an other. So together these create the opportunity for balance. I think we should not encourage to share the shadow here, but when it comes. Accept it and give it love

I get what you are trying to say Oceania even if it may fail to reflect it in my words. Also this should be discussable without anyone becoming under fire so to speak. And I am very curious to understand more view points on this matter. As meine alone is but one.
Lets focus on the matter at hand

(Edit: fixed some unintentional grammar)