I understand where you're coming from, Oceania. And I agree with you that rules should always be questioned, not blindly followed. But when I question rules, I always personally make the full attempt to learn the purpose for their existence in the first place.
As I told you through PMs, the thread needs to remain closed because the posts visible on the last page are not something that we want to be a part of what's displayed on Bring4th. They were exceptionally rude and obscene, and not fit to be a part of public, visual, community communication.
Of course Bring4th will always contain the darkest of the dark stuff, because it contains the whole spectrum, because we're human beings. However, it does have a specific focus and a goal (this is something the moderator team wishes to publicly specify soon). Reading the front page and the guidelines can give one an idea of that focus or purpose. The guidelines were specifically created to engender that purpose, which, roughly, is the communion with eachother in the awareness of the love we find within ourselves and which the Confederation materal as channeled by L/L Research helps us to discover within ourselves.
The goal is to be a positively oriented community. This means lots of things, but especially being of service to one another while we seek to polarize. I know that service to eachother comes in many ways, a lot of which are not outwardly loving, are not coming from the green ray. But because the goal is to be a positively oriented community, we're striving for that open green ray in all interactions with eachother. And because this is an L/L Research website, because the focus of study and basis of understanding is the Ra Material, the guidelines for forum usage attempt to outline a standard for communication and interaction with eachother that reflect understanding gained by the Ra Material. For example, guideline 1, which seeks to apply the core truth found in the Confederation channelings, that each is the Creator.
Some people have a desire to help create a positive community here, perhaps being being able to remember love, or remember a harmonious environment, or remember a desire to serve. But we are all absolutely unique, and not all of us have this desire. So for a community which seeks to positively polarize, there has to be some standard of interaction with eachother that reflects the focus of the community.
Of course being human as we are, most of us instantly forget everything we've learned/remembered the moment we become catalyzed by something. And it's hard to remain in a place that desires to be of service to the Creator in each when that happens, but being able to do that is the key. This forgetting of other-self as the Creator or even as other-self happens countless times on Bring4th, and your thread was one of those such times.
This is why we don't want it publicly displayed. It's not loving interaction, it's quite the opposite. Actually the last page was filled with a member who, by his own words wished to leave the community, speaking not just disrespectfully, but downright hatefully towards other members. I agree with you that instances of fighting can definitely be learned from. But it's not Bring4th's aim or focus to learn from eachother and serve eachother through fighting with eachother. This is a place of learning to polarize positively. This absolutely does NOT mean that anger and other emotions which would cause one to fight are repressed, ignored, or anything of the sort. It means that they are handled in a healthy manner for one who is seeking to polarize positively. In fact, the Ra Material contains a detailed example of how a positively polarizing being would handle anger arising within itself.
These instances where the guidelines are forgotten, where the Creator and other-self are forgotten, where love and desire to serve is forgotten, are moderated (hardly ever actually deleted) by us as we seek to guide Bring4th and its community towards the goal. We have to keep the focus on love if we want to get anywhere.
Well, if we moved all threads with quarrels in them to a different location, there would be a lot of misplaced threads. What about the people who created those threads who just wanted to discuss the topic in their mind?
We do have a thread for working out catalyst among members: Cognitive Distortions and Forum Relationships
Usually this thread is also something that's forgotten when the catalyst hits fast and hard. :p So sometimes it's used and sometimes it's not. Usually a reminder within the quarrel, and sometimes some moved posts, are required to encourage proper use of that thread.
As I told you through PMs, the thread needs to remain closed because the posts visible on the last page are not something that we want to be a part of what's displayed on Bring4th. They were exceptionally rude and obscene, and not fit to be a part of public, visual, community communication.
Of course Bring4th will always contain the darkest of the dark stuff, because it contains the whole spectrum, because we're human beings. However, it does have a specific focus and a goal (this is something the moderator team wishes to publicly specify soon). Reading the front page and the guidelines can give one an idea of that focus or purpose. The guidelines were specifically created to engender that purpose, which, roughly, is the communion with eachother in the awareness of the love we find within ourselves and which the Confederation materal as channeled by L/L Research helps us to discover within ourselves.
The goal is to be a positively oriented community. This means lots of things, but especially being of service to one another while we seek to polarize. I know that service to eachother comes in many ways, a lot of which are not outwardly loving, are not coming from the green ray. But because the goal is to be a positively oriented community, we're striving for that open green ray in all interactions with eachother. And because this is an L/L Research website, because the focus of study and basis of understanding is the Ra Material, the guidelines for forum usage attempt to outline a standard for communication and interaction with eachother that reflect understanding gained by the Ra Material. For example, guideline 1, which seeks to apply the core truth found in the Confederation channelings, that each is the Creator.
Some people have a desire to help create a positive community here, perhaps being being able to remember love, or remember a harmonious environment, or remember a desire to serve. But we are all absolutely unique, and not all of us have this desire. So for a community which seeks to positively polarize, there has to be some standard of interaction with eachother that reflects the focus of the community.
Of course being human as we are, most of us instantly forget everything we've learned/remembered the moment we become catalyzed by something. And it's hard to remain in a place that desires to be of service to the Creator in each when that happens, but being able to do that is the key. This forgetting of other-self as the Creator or even as other-self happens countless times on Bring4th, and your thread was one of those such times.
This is why we don't want it publicly displayed. It's not loving interaction, it's quite the opposite. Actually the last page was filled with a member who, by his own words wished to leave the community, speaking not just disrespectfully, but downright hatefully towards other members. I agree with you that instances of fighting can definitely be learned from. But it's not Bring4th's aim or focus to learn from eachother and serve eachother through fighting with eachother. This is a place of learning to polarize positively. This absolutely does NOT mean that anger and other emotions which would cause one to fight are repressed, ignored, or anything of the sort. It means that they are handled in a healthy manner for one who is seeking to polarize positively. In fact, the Ra Material contains a detailed example of how a positively polarizing being would handle anger arising within itself.
These instances where the guidelines are forgotten, where the Creator and other-self are forgotten, where love and desire to serve is forgotten, are moderated (hardly ever actually deleted) by us as we seek to guide Bring4th and its community towards the goal. We have to keep the focus on love if we want to get anywhere.
Well, if we moved all threads with quarrels in them to a different location, there would be a lot of misplaced threads. What about the people who created those threads who just wanted to discuss the topic in their mind?
We do have a thread for working out catalyst among members: Cognitive Distortions and Forum Relationships
Usually this thread is also something that's forgotten when the catalyst hits fast and hard. :p So sometimes it's used and sometimes it's not. Usually a reminder within the quarrel, and sometimes some moved posts, are required to encourage proper use of that thread.