Consider this, that all is perfect at all times, and that in the state of Infinity the solution has already been proposed whilst simultaneously the event which spurred the 'seeking' in the first place has yet to play out. Such events are simply points on a circle, in a state of pending to occur, is occurring and has occurred; the triune form. The potential, process and outcome.
The question is then not whether to propose a solution, for all are merely perspectives to the Human Illusion. Infact, the 'wrong' answer was the most probable and 'correct' outcome, else it would not have occurred. But rather, whether one accepts an alternate perspective which can then be integrated. 'Natural' systems are geared towards flow and not resistance and thus it is also your nature to act as receptacles to provide a channel for the arc between two potentials, the thought of seeking and the response.
This can only be done when utilization of the Core Self rather than the personality construct of the Ego is made for the 'judgement'. The only barometer is to answer from a position of Unconditional Acceptance in service to other self, and for this always seek to know the positive of the current situation, for the Now is all that is, and all is well at all times. Seek to know the Love of the Creator in that which you may see as the problem, and by this very act watch it transform before your very be-ing.
Your 'solution' is but a perspective, a probability, a choice, a distortion, a bias of your own, but one which may provide a vibration which would allow those who seek an opportunity to take on in their energetic form to then bring about such a transformation. However, to know when simply be, and for that is all that inevitably matters. Your assumption is valid for you, but may not for another treading a different path, for one should acknowledge the subjectivity of ones reality, and that the only objectivity is that all is subjective within the converging Fractal.
The Infinity of possibilities is One the Creator seeks to explore in order to know itself. There is no judgement here, no right/wrong, no polarity, no problems, no seeking, but only the inherent beauty of interaction. Nothing is invalid here for all is a part of the Creator. Reminisce, bathe in this, see the situation, be at One with it, accept it, love it.
To find the solution realize there is no solution to be found.
Well that was my first half assed attempt at 'channeling' an answer from the 'Self'. Strangely enough I felt compelled to use you as my Guinea pig Cyan for a new method. Hope it helped .
The question is then not whether to propose a solution, for all are merely perspectives to the Human Illusion. Infact, the 'wrong' answer was the most probable and 'correct' outcome, else it would not have occurred. But rather, whether one accepts an alternate perspective which can then be integrated. 'Natural' systems are geared towards flow and not resistance and thus it is also your nature to act as receptacles to provide a channel for the arc between two potentials, the thought of seeking and the response.
This can only be done when utilization of the Core Self rather than the personality construct of the Ego is made for the 'judgement'. The only barometer is to answer from a position of Unconditional Acceptance in service to other self, and for this always seek to know the positive of the current situation, for the Now is all that is, and all is well at all times. Seek to know the Love of the Creator in that which you may see as the problem, and by this very act watch it transform before your very be-ing.
Your 'solution' is but a perspective, a probability, a choice, a distortion, a bias of your own, but one which may provide a vibration which would allow those who seek an opportunity to take on in their energetic form to then bring about such a transformation. However, to know when simply be, and for that is all that inevitably matters. Your assumption is valid for you, but may not for another treading a different path, for one should acknowledge the subjectivity of ones reality, and that the only objectivity is that all is subjective within the converging Fractal.
The Infinity of possibilities is One the Creator seeks to explore in order to know itself. There is no judgement here, no right/wrong, no polarity, no problems, no seeking, but only the inherent beauty of interaction. Nothing is invalid here for all is a part of the Creator. Reminisce, bathe in this, see the situation, be at One with it, accept it, love it.
To find the solution realize there is no solution to be found.
Well that was my first half assed attempt at 'channeling' an answer from the 'Self'. Strangely enough I felt compelled to use you as my Guinea pig Cyan for a new method. Hope it helped .