01-12-2013, 09:51 AM
(01-12-2013, 08:51 AM)Cyan Wrote: This illusion of "the others" is a persistant one isnt it.
Persistent in its desire to exist as an intelligent and aware Process of Being.
The delusion that it is other, is not a result of illusion or unreality, it is a result of Divine Design and the Process or Progression of that Design.
Shall we deny the Design in our efforts to be The One rather than a process within the Design?
Maybe all fragmentation and all process of being should just come to a halt and rest in the assurance of being The One.
What then? Is this the end future which I continue some here to be speculating exists in a future of Infinite Mystery?
Shall we return to the stillness of the void as though nothing has ever happened, and once again be aware of 'nothing' other than Self?
Is that not why we have this Process of Being in the first place?
Was this Process and Design established and initialized simply to create the effort to return to the state of being that preceded it?
What a grand waste of eternity and Infinity that would be!
You all go back to the void and look at your solitude as an accomplishment if you will.
I will continue as the Process of Being so that you still have something to watch and enjoy from your lonely solitude of self without Other.
And yet, as long as even my fragmented process alone continues, then so does the Other which you deny. For that Other is the One experiencing creation as It moves and functions as energy rather than mere awareness.
What those seeking to be The One rather than its process of being accomplish is the solitude which The One chose to transform by Divine Design and Energy.
What we suppose is our self, or The One itself, is really nothing more than the Process of Its Being more energy than stillness.
'We' are the process of Being. 'WE' are Process, not entity nor identity.
THAT delusion that we are not the process, but the Source of the process, is the true illusion that Ra speaks to.