01-12-2013, 08:42 AM
(01-12-2013, 05:11 AM)anagogy Wrote: the potentiation of the finite experience is ultimately illusory. Nothing can actually become separate.
Does the breath become separate from the Breather after it leaves the mouth?
Is the thought separate from the thinker as it proceeds into creation as vibration?
At 700 million miles an hour does the ray of light separate from Its source?
This is potentiation, where without the action of the source, the fragment does not come into being.
I do not like to use the term illusion to describe the potentiation, as illusion defines something as unreal. The potentiation is very real, just as your breath and thoughts are very real. Their attachment and mystery do not make them unreal. And the reality of it all being perceived as form when it is vibration does not mean it is illusion to all beings. It just means that certain life forms perceive the vibrations in their condensed forms rather than the way that many other life forms see them as the vibrations.
To a light being and to The One these are not illusions at all, so how can we say they are illusions?
We say this, or should I say the Ra Material describes it this way because it knows that what is truly vibrations all around us, we rather see as forms. This, the Ra group, refers to as illusion. But I would say that this is a mistaken use of our language and should rather be defined as delusion.
(01-12-2013, 05:11 AM)anagogy Wrote: Duality is illusion or distortion. Nothing can actually be dual. We imagine duality by choosing to perceive our cosmic self as an object. Sort of like a snake looking at its own tail and confusing it for something other than itself.
Clever use of the Ouroboros Anagogy.
But see here is how you actually make my point above. If you think that duality is a matter of choice, choosing to perceive, that also states that there is another choice of not seeing it that way.
And again, what we are talking about should be defined as delusion instead of illusion, because by Divine Design, this duality all around is very real. Without it there is no potentiality. There is no thought process or breath of life, or sound of Word, or projection of Light, there is nothing but unpotentiated awareness.
Duality is the process of potentiation.
The problem which causes us to define it as delusion, is that we do not comprehend for what it really is. Our mistaken comprehensions or inability to comprehend does not render something unreal or illusion, it simply becomes our delusion.
(01-12-2013, 05:11 AM)anagogy Wrote: The state of unpotentiation is the state of zero distortion. This is the clear platform of consciousness or beingness that is the still and beautiful cosmic pond upon which all expressions are reflected upon.
Potentiation is the creation of ripples upon this pond, which distort the pure reflection. It doesn't make the water not water anymore, but the reflection appears different.
Again you state exactly what I have said. The water is very real not an illusion. The reflection is very real as well. If we choose to perceive the reflection as the actual water and not a reflection of it, then it becomes delusion, not illusion.
In the case of the optical illusion it is an illusion because it is a reflection of the real thing caused by refracting light vibration.
But here is the key; there is a difference between the reflection of a thing and the condensed form of its vibrations. One is mimicking the form and the other is a condensed aspect of that form.
Yet again, here is the commonality between all; both are processes. All is process.
Not illusion just because certain aspects of creation are unable to comprehend or perceive a certain way. Just because a process of potentiation is occurring does not mean that how it is perceived defines whether or not it is an actual process or reality.
This is why I think that either the Ra Group, or the scribe, were not applying appropriate translation as they attempted to define these matters.
Creation and reality is not an illusion just because the human is unable to perceive it other than through the way we are designed.
That is simply a matter of Divine Design.
As a field of consciousness, we are not restricted to this physical disability.
If creation is not an illusion to other states of being, are we not being a little arrogant to assume it must then be an illusion?
Is that not the ostrich with its head buried deeply into the sand?
Here we, in human form, limited to human experience, exist in a universe of potentiality and infinite possibility, with countless other life forms all around us throughout the galaxies, and we choose to define it all as an illusion just because we can't see it all the way that gazillions of others do.
Man, our ostrich is extremely arrogant ain't it!