01-11-2013, 03:06 AM
Now for the rest of this rather long line of messed up stuff. The reason I've not had much time for this is because yesterday morning it all finally clicked. I woke up and knew what I had to do, so I got busy making some changes and getting some things done. It was Aureus that provided the missing part of the puzzle when he told me to look inward. It took a while to sink in but I finally got it. The reason I could not figure this dream out is because I was trying to apply it's meaning to the outside world. I was close on my first interpretation, the direction was just backwards. Basically the dream is warning me to forget about fixing the world, and to restore my inner balance (6) and to protect it (circle). The second image of the six alone is saying the time will come when the protection is no longer needed and my energies will be called on to service all, but only when I have achieved good balance. I had stared into the abyss a little too long and had gotten lost in it. I was neglecting my personal responsibilities, and letting things go for too long. So, I've stopped reading all the negative fear crap, and although I'm still reading news, I'm not worried about it anymore, I'll deal with it as it comes. I'm spending more time with the family and am concentrating on more productive activities like fixing this ladies flat screen tv for her. Got that done yesterday and since I've had it laying here for a month now, it will be a freebie. I had come closer than I had thought to slipping into a trap of my own making, but I'm getting back on track now, a lot of things are falling into place, things are beginning to look up, and I'm even starting to have a little hope for the world again. Thanks for the support, hopefully when I get a little more knowledge under my belt, I'll be able to return the favor. Smile, because someone loves you! (might even be me