01-10-2013, 04:54 PM
Developing equanimity or non-reaction is required to graduate from 3rd density - there is no choice in this as reactive thought forms keeps one anchored in 3rd Density. Remember Ra states that 3rd density is not only made up of entities but more importantly their thought-forms. You start practicing when you are ready.
63.17 Ra: I am Ra...Wanderers are third-density activated in mind/body/spirit and are subject to the forgetting which can only be penetrated with disciplined meditation and working.
63.32 Ra: I am Ra....the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density there are the artifacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced. This is third density.
Vipassana offers a tried and true technique that one can use for great benefit to remove identity from 3rd density egoic mind, which keeps one firmly rooted in 3rd density, by way of conditioned reactions.
Session 28 Q'uo/Aaron dialogues:
R: Would Q’uo suggest a way of looking at turmoil in one’s life that is very emotional, tofind a way to balance all that seems to be negative and pressuring, happening seemingly atthe same time? Is there a general principle that can be extracted from feelings unique to methat others would enjoy too?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo. The beginning of a more friendly environment is light. When one sits indarkness, one has no perspective, no reference points. The feeling of claustrophobiasurrounds the timid soul. So it is with emotional and spiritual feelings that are dark. Like thebody itself, the spirit feels overwhelmed by dark emotions. Yet how to lighten the darknessand the burden of concern? We move to Aaron. I am Q’uo.
Aaron: My dear ones, first you must look at the erroneous assumption that the turmoil anddarkness are your enemy. When you experience turmoil, that is just turmoil. When youexperience fear, that is just fear. Then there is the secondary reaction to that turmoil or fear. Itis not fear that closes your heart and sends you into the darkness, but your reaction to thatturmoil or fear. Can you see the difference?It takes a great deal of practice in awareness to begin to notice the process. First is the arisingof fear. With that first notice of fear, you are still in neutral about it. You are not frightenedof the fear. Then you move to the stage of feeling attacked. At that point, there is a change inthe chemical balance of the body and a change in the vibrational frequency of the light body.It is seen by me as a constriction in your energy field so that the light that was moving freelythrough you and out of you and into you suddenly becomes trapped in this physical vessel,bouncing back and forth, truly in turmoil. It looks a bit like a pinball machine with the ballgoing
bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!
You are not here to get rid of anything in your life. If turmoil or fear is what is experienced—confusion, whatever—you do not need to get rid of it, but to learn how to greet it as a friend,to allow the experience of it with your heart kept as open as it can be; no judgment if it isclosing a bit, but consciously making an effort to stay open. Then the aversion to the emotion does not cause closing. Then all the old-mind matters, the remembrances in this body and other bodies of this kind of fear, the projections into the future, none of that becomes part of the issue. You are just here with this moment of fear.
Are you familiar with those sticky burrs that catch on your pants’ legs as you walk throughthe field? The pants are the material of your fear. The burrs are all the added burdens of thepast and the future. As they knot together it becomes an unworkable mass, and that is whatcloses you into darkness. Being mindful of that pattern in yourself, you find that you can ask yourself to stay in this moment with this very workable and much lighter bit of fear orturmoil or confusion and allow the experience of it. It takes courage. It takes sharp awareness.
When you do this, you come back to your connection with the light. This is not somethingyou have to grasp at or create in yourself. You are not, for example, naturally depressed orfrightened. The lightness, the openness, the loving-kindness, the generosity and patience, theenergy, the courage. Those are all qualities that are natural to you. They are small seedswithin you. But if you take a small seed, put it in a pot and then put it in a dark closet, itcannot grow. It needs light.Your mindfulness of your reactions to fear is a way of opening the closet door and inviting inlight, a statement, “Fear is not who I am. I am experiencing fear at this moment, experiencingconfusion, experiencing perhaps the outgrowths of fear as anger or greed, but that is not whoI am.”
As you learn to do this, you start to see that each of those catalysts is in fact a giftoffering you the chance to practice just what you most need to practice, which is how to bewith a painful catalyst without pulling the closet door closed behind yourself, withoutneeding to seek that protection; in essence, how to allow yourself to stay open and vulnerable.This is your deepest connection with the light, this deep knowing: “In essence, I am spirit. Iam divine and connected with the Divine. The body may be vulnerable, but I cannot beharmed if my heart is open and loving.”This is the way of opening the door: remembering your connection. Through countless timesof practice, you deepen your ability to keep your heart open no matter what comes. Whenyou heart is open, you no longer have the illusion of being in darkness. Rather, the turmoil,the anger or greed is seen more clearly as the illusion that deepens the sense of separation.I am not suggesting that it is easy, but it is workable.
63.17 Ra: I am Ra...Wanderers are third-density activated in mind/body/spirit and are subject to the forgetting which can only be penetrated with disciplined meditation and working.
63.32 Ra: I am Ra....the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density there are the artifacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced. This is third density.
Vipassana offers a tried and true technique that one can use for great benefit to remove identity from 3rd density egoic mind, which keeps one firmly rooted in 3rd density, by way of conditioned reactions.
Session 28 Q'uo/Aaron dialogues:
R: Would Q’uo suggest a way of looking at turmoil in one’s life that is very emotional, tofind a way to balance all that seems to be negative and pressuring, happening seemingly atthe same time? Is there a general principle that can be extracted from feelings unique to methat others would enjoy too?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo. The beginning of a more friendly environment is light. When one sits indarkness, one has no perspective, no reference points. The feeling of claustrophobiasurrounds the timid soul. So it is with emotional and spiritual feelings that are dark. Like thebody itself, the spirit feels overwhelmed by dark emotions. Yet how to lighten the darknessand the burden of concern? We move to Aaron. I am Q’uo.
Aaron: My dear ones, first you must look at the erroneous assumption that the turmoil anddarkness are your enemy. When you experience turmoil, that is just turmoil. When youexperience fear, that is just fear. Then there is the secondary reaction to that turmoil or fear. Itis not fear that closes your heart and sends you into the darkness, but your reaction to thatturmoil or fear. Can you see the difference?It takes a great deal of practice in awareness to begin to notice the process. First is the arisingof fear. With that first notice of fear, you are still in neutral about it. You are not frightenedof the fear. Then you move to the stage of feeling attacked. At that point, there is a change inthe chemical balance of the body and a change in the vibrational frequency of the light body.It is seen by me as a constriction in your energy field so that the light that was moving freelythrough you and out of you and into you suddenly becomes trapped in this physical vessel,bouncing back and forth, truly in turmoil. It looks a bit like a pinball machine with the ballgoing
bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!
You are not here to get rid of anything in your life. If turmoil or fear is what is experienced—confusion, whatever—you do not need to get rid of it, but to learn how to greet it as a friend,to allow the experience of it with your heart kept as open as it can be; no judgment if it isclosing a bit, but consciously making an effort to stay open. Then the aversion to the emotion does not cause closing. Then all the old-mind matters, the remembrances in this body and other bodies of this kind of fear, the projections into the future, none of that becomes part of the issue. You are just here with this moment of fear.
Are you familiar with those sticky burrs that catch on your pants’ legs as you walk throughthe field? The pants are the material of your fear. The burrs are all the added burdens of thepast and the future. As they knot together it becomes an unworkable mass, and that is whatcloses you into darkness. Being mindful of that pattern in yourself, you find that you can ask yourself to stay in this moment with this very workable and much lighter bit of fear orturmoil or confusion and allow the experience of it. It takes courage. It takes sharp awareness.
When you do this, you come back to your connection with the light. This is not somethingyou have to grasp at or create in yourself. You are not, for example, naturally depressed orfrightened. The lightness, the openness, the loving-kindness, the generosity and patience, theenergy, the courage. Those are all qualities that are natural to you. They are small seedswithin you. But if you take a small seed, put it in a pot and then put it in a dark closet, itcannot grow. It needs light.Your mindfulness of your reactions to fear is a way of opening the closet door and inviting inlight, a statement, “Fear is not who I am. I am experiencing fear at this moment, experiencingconfusion, experiencing perhaps the outgrowths of fear as anger or greed, but that is not whoI am.”
As you learn to do this, you start to see that each of those catalysts is in fact a giftoffering you the chance to practice just what you most need to practice, which is how to bewith a painful catalyst without pulling the closet door closed behind yourself, withoutneeding to seek that protection; in essence, how to allow yourself to stay open and vulnerable.This is your deepest connection with the light, this deep knowing: “In essence, I am spirit. Iam divine and connected with the Divine. The body may be vulnerable, but I cannot beharmed if my heart is open and loving.”This is the way of opening the door: remembering your connection. Through countless timesof practice, you deepen your ability to keep your heart open no matter what comes. Whenyou heart is open, you no longer have the illusion of being in darkness. Rather, the turmoil,the anger or greed is seen more clearly as the illusion that deepens the sense of separation.I am not suggesting that it is easy, but it is workable.