(01-01-2013, 11:53 PM)Immortalis Vigil Wrote: Do any of you practice Reiki or have experience with it? I have been studying it recently and am considering taking a Reiki Level 1 class.
I've studied and been attunded to Reiki Level 2, Usui Tibetan branch. It's only a small part of my spiritual practice, but one that has been extremely helpful at certain times.
The way I look at Reiki is simply that it is one of untold thousands of different systems that mankind has developed for working with what the Ra Material refers to as "intelligent energy". However, it's the only one I personally have experience with, and it does work.
For me, working with Reiki took the concept of intelligent energy from theory to something concrete and tangible for me. Yet another confirmation and elucidation of the Ra Material!
That said, Reiki comes attached with its own mythology, history, and symbolism. In studying its ALLEGED history and the various key figures in the movement, I came to the conclusion that some of it is simply made up nonsense, some is borrowed from other systems, and some of the history is not so pretty. And yet, what spiritual system ISN'T like that in some way? That stuff notwithstanding, the amazing thing is that actually works! You can *really* feel the energy, the effects are tangible, and it even intelligently guides itself - you don't have to direct it except in the most general sense.
It's one of the few things I've experienced of a 'paranormal' nature that seems to truly be real, and I am grateful that some method of tapping Intelligent Energy for healing has come across my path that actually works. It's not a huge part of my spiritual practice, but there are times when myself or others need it and it is very, very helpful. I share it when appropriate and I feel moved.
I'm sure there are many other energy systems just as valid and helpful for doing the same, but this one is straightforward, simple, and most of all AVAILABLE. As long as one doesn't get too caught up in the attached belief system/dogma or take the history too literally, it is an incredibly useful tool that can enrich your practice. I am grateful to have found it.
Make no mistake, there is real power there.
That's my take, anyway.
Love to all