(01-08-2013, 12:08 AM)Xradfl Wrote: So I'm an X-ray tech and ever since I read about magnets, I've wondered about meditating within the bore of our MRI at work. Anyone wanna chime in as to the potential benefits/windfalls of encompassing yourself within such a powerful magnet?
I got an MRI scan done twice as part of a university research project. The first time I felt really awake and planned out like my whole week in advance while in there, the second time I just fell asleep and snored and the scan came out blurry cause my loud snores were causing my head to vibrate lol. So in other words . . . maybe
On the topic of magnets, I have found meditating with magnetized hematite quite helpful for raising my energy levels, maybe I'll stick it on my forehead and see what that does.