01-06-2013, 10:44 AM
(01-06-2013, 09:54 AM)spero Wrote: Perhaps your right Shin'Ar. Its clear from reading your posts that the lens we see the universe through is different. Not in a negative or positive way, just different. You place importance in certain ideas and concepts above all others and i wouldnt seek to change what you consider sacred.
To clarify and maybe allow you see things through my lens, my issue was never really with Divine Design or Divine Duality. I did take a little offence to the way you overgeneralized an entire generation (of which i am a part) as being one which largely lacks "morality, compassion and respect for human life." When you spoke on behalf of "Divine Authority" in saying all this was contributable to a deviation of the mother/father child rearing dynamic, i took offence as a gay male at your concept of Divine Authority, since it would suggest also that same sex couples are unfit to raise children.
i dont imagine offence is even your intention, so consider this simply a sharing of my perceptive faculties with you and not an argument or accusation.
Well first of all Friend Spero, where you are new to the community you would not have previous experience with my thoughts on the matter of homosexuality and gender roles, so Ill accept your misunderstanding as simple inexperience with me.
However it is a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of my understaniding to suggest that I think that same sex couples would be unfit to raise a child.
I have intimate relations with two such couples whom I respect deeply and have great impressions of regarding their efforts to raise their children. And I am extremely glad that those children were able to find such loving homes and parents where the alternative would have been the insecurity of orphanage life and lack of parental role models.
I will also say that one of these couples would be the first to agree with my statement that when one or the other model is missing from the equation of family dynamic, that such does have consequences in that child's life, as well as those who attempt to offer the very different roles of maternal and paternal influences.
The other couple although I love and respect them dearly, and support their love and family in any way that I can, would have problems with my understanding.
I do appreciate your respect of my right to manage my impressions and understandings in my own way, and to hold sacred things pertaining to my particular understanding. Some here in this community do not respect that very vital aspect of evolution of consciousness. I return the same respect to you.
I will also stand by my assessment of western society, as a whole, for the past couple of generations, being victimized by its extreme liberal tolerances and efforts, in that our children, being raised by day care centers and babysitters, results in many children who lack the nurturing influences and direct intimate teachings of a maternal and paternal guidance.
Of course there are the extremes of both sides which Monica attempted to use to defend her thinking. I have never stated that there are not certain situations in which variances of those different elements of parental influence can be found in homes of same gender parenting.
Believe me there are many men I know who are not as manly as this girl friend I have who takes the male role in the parenting structure of their family. She intimidates me with her manliness, and I am not easily intimidated. She has a very strong male character about her. Some do not even like to be refereed to as a female at all and expect their friends to think of them as male.
And responding to them in such a way is very easy given their character and personality. So in that particular regard yes, there is definitely a paternal influence in that home and family situation.
Should we assume this dynamic in every home of same sex parenting?
Monica can if she likes I suppose. I would not be as gullible.
It is my experience and therefore understanding that there are many homes where the parents are both either very female oriented or male oriented and the child is missing one or the other of those parental influences.
Which is the more common? I have no facts or statistics to offer, but I do have my impressions.
My point is simply that there is the Divine Design, which can be seen through most of the animal kingdom, and is further revealed in the Flower of Life and its natural functioning, that both male and female influences are important to the natural development and stability of a human child.
That so not to say that it is seeking perfection and ideal circumstance as Monica inaccurately suggested.
But rather it is to recognize that the roles are uniquely different and for that difference alone the lack of one should reasonably have some consequence.
Furthermore, with regard to the consequence of children being raised in a society where parental guidance and influence is diminished by the modern day western parents' inability to spend quality time with their children, I recognize many symptoms of such lack in our social structure today.
Is it possible that those of these generations are unaware of suck lack and difference between circumstances of rearing processes? I would say yes, there is probably very little actual understanding and awareness of it and i can fully understand how they would be offended by such acknowledgement and speculation.
There is also the fact that there are also many other reason why the recent generations of children upcoming in today's society are the way they are. Access to very different technological lifestyles is amoing these.
I in no way declare that same gender parenting, and/or the need for both parents to work away from the home and their children, are the only factors affecting the moral compass and state of being of today's youth.
I am sure that you would acknowledge that today's youth, having access to instant and constant communication would result in very different states of being and experiences from those of us raised in a world where the phone was restricted to landlines connected to homes and pay booths.
Can you even imagine a day where you were unable to instantly converse with someone that was a daily part of your life? How might your life be different had you not had such instant access?
And what the influence of media on our lives and the formation of our understanding of life?
Those of us raised without television, or with only two or three channels, and no 24 hour coverage of media interests, might say that we had missed out on a great deal of global information. And others might say that the lack of such media bombardment allowed us to avoid the brainwashing affect of such media.
It is my opinion, and I am certainly not alone, that many of today's children, having been raised in very different circumstances, are very different from those of us not raised in those situations.
Are there extremes which Monica would effort to apply here as a denouncement of my statement. Of course there are. there are always extremes. but extremes do not over ride the generality.
As I have often attempted to relay to her in an effort to ease some of her apparent concern and dissatisfaction with societies many seemingly incompassionate ways, we simply cannot ignore the dynamics involved in the overall generalities.
Today's society is ripe with malcontent and suffering due to the way that the last couple of generations have been raised.
What society would not be a manifestation of the circumstances in which its citizens were raised?
The 'young offenders act' and the extreme promiscuity tolerated in today's social setting is having adverse affects in many ways that are being experienced by society as a whole, in general, are just two of many other aspects which result in the suffering and degradation of western society and its tolerance of intolerant situations and practices.
When the criminal has as much right to victimize as the victim has to protection, society will suffer the freedom of the criminal and their lack of fear of punishment.
Most would agree to this.
Why is it so hard to suppose that the lack of one of the parental influences, or of any parental influence at all, would also have consequences on society as a whole?
(01-06-2013, 10:23 AM)Cyan Wrote: You are able to move, grow and communicate with others of your species and live long enough to take care of either your own children, or pass of your own individual learning onto others sufficiently so that your specialty has contributed.
You're a perfect("optimal") life form already.
Wow, talk about your generalizing and placing all your eggs in one basket.
That statement might refer to some individuals, maybe even most of us, but it certainly does not apply to all individuals and circumstances.
Is that ostrich talking or the chicken, because if it is the ostrich, then maybe you might want to check for sand surrounding your neckline, lol.
Just a joke between us based upon our recent interactions Monica and her PM cult.
No need to interject in Cyan's defense here.
believe me, I am fully aware that he is capable of redressing me and putting me in my place with his own methods.
I prefer not to interact with him as I have already said because he, like you tends to take offense where none was meant, but that does not mean that we cannot manage that ourselves. Nor does it mean that some things that he posts will not be of interest to me or be deserving of my response.
Please Monica, allow us to have our own interactions and form our own impressions of each other despite your belief that we should not.