(01-05-2013, 10:36 AM)ShinAr Wrote: There is a reason for such differences within the natural creation that are deeply bound to the Divine Character, and to deny that is to deny the Divine Authority
...challenging nature, rather than working with it, is beyond any beings ability.
There are many creatures which are abandoned at birth and that is the natural method of their coming into existence in that form. It is not that parenthood minus one of the genders is wrong, or impossible. It is simply that by design that is how the human naturally matures from infancy.
Raised without one of those natural processes will have a consequence.
Living despite that consequence may not be impossible, or even burdened. But it would be an unnatural rearing.
We can see the manifestation of this already in society as a whole, as it misses the maternal aspect in the family setting.
Not a chance or mistake, as much as a deliberate manipulation by the elite in order to satisfy their greed for the flesh.
Society has been designed by them in such a way that both parents must now work in most families in order to manage the cost of raising a family. This means that most children are being raised unnaturally by nannys and babysitters. They are not being given the nurturing of the maternal and paternal aspects of nature.
I agree!
I think it's important to distinguish between what's optimal and doing the best we can. My definition of optimal would be for the child to have a calm, natural, peaceful birth, breastfed on demand, organic foods, a drug-free childhood (no injections of poisons), a stress-free, happy environment, loving parents representing both male and female energies, a stay-at-home caregiver, plenty of hugs, support and encouragement, tailored education, etc.
That may be optimal, but very few of us were lucky enough to have the perfect, idyllic childhood. And even those wishing to bestow such a childhood on our children, usually fall short in some way, despite our best efforts.
Unfortunately, defining that 'optimal' method of rearing children isn't quite so simple, beyond the general terms I just used. Ask anyone who had a stay-at-home mom, in a traditional family setting, but with abuse, whether they might have preferred a loving environment without any abuse, with gay parents or a single mom who put the child in a daycare.
I would have taken loving gay parents and a daycare in a heartbeat, over the 'traditional' but abusive family setting I had.
Many hetero couples lack the maternal, nurturing qualities, often due to financial circumstances as you said. Conversely, many gay couples are able to offer both male and female energies. So while I agree that it's optimal to offer both energies to the child, sexual orientation doesn't necessarily determine the type of energies they offer.
Nevertheless, I do still agree with your overall point that, even though most of us usually fall short in some way, we shouldn't lose sight of the ideal.