01-05-2013, 10:36 AM
(01-05-2013, 08:48 AM)Cyan Wrote: Assuming both would consent, then where is the traditional parenthood and sexual role barriers there?
parenthood is much more than traditional.
There is a factor involved here which you overlook, and that is the Divine Design.
Just as you cannot wield power over it in any other way, you will never alter the ways that the natural energies mimic the Divine Duality.
There is a reason for such differences within the natural creation that are deeply bound to the Divine Character, and to deny that is to deny the Divine Authority.
I understand your thinking and your need.
But I am afraid that challenging nature, rather than working with it, is beyond any beings ability.
There are many creatures which are abandoned at birth and that is the natural method of their coming into existence in that form. It is not that parenthood minus one of the genders is wrong, or impossible. It is simply that by design that is how the human naturally matures from infancy.
Raised without one of those natural processes will have a consequence.
Living despite that consequence may not be impossible, or even burdened. But it would be an unnatural rearing.
We can see the manifestation of this already in society as a whole, as it misses the maternal aspect in the family setting.
Not a chance or mistake, as much as a deliberate manipulation by the elite in order to satisfy their greed for the flesh.
Society has been designed by them in such a way that both parents must now work in most families in order to manage the cost of raising a family. This means that most children are being raised unnaturally by nannys and babysitters. They are not being given the nurturing of the maternal and paternal aspects of nature.
And we can see the results in the more recent generations in their lack of morality, compassion and respect for human life.
Now before you all pile on me again, I am NOT saying that all children of the past few generations will show those symptoms.
I am simply pointing to what you should all be aware of anyway. That our social structures are changing radically, and not for the better.
Many children do not respect their elders. They have no regard for the treasure of human life. They are far more self centered than they would be if they had been offered the maternal care of a mother which had been available to them in the home at all times, rather than just long enough to pick them up, bring them home, and put them straight to bed, only to be taken away again in the morning.
How could such a life not detract from a child's regard for family and their humanity?
Cyan, I know you are involved with some Luciferian group and I have no idea what they practice, but I can advise you as a friend that if they teach such things as you are proposing here, you should really think deeply and search within to discern those teachings.
I am not judging your decision by my own moral code. I am simply offering the same advice to anyone under any circumstance.
This is not about my impression of cults, but about the need to always be open to advice and ideas that may not be what you want to hear.
Even you must agree that being open minded is the only way to learn and gather information. And being open minded means considering thoughts that might not fit into your patterns easily, and yet might be the means to taking you into a higher path and access to higher ability and truth.
The choice and the discerning is completely up to you. All we can do is share each other's thoughts and concerns.
If you take insult every time someone offers you something that you do not like to hear, prepare to live a life of constant insult.