01-02-2013, 01:20 AM
(01-01-2013, 10:16 AM)ShinAr Wrote: My mishap occurred in the context that I had also made known that it is my understanding that Lucifer has no gender, which has been the knowledge of The Ancients for many eons and extends into many of the ancient teachings.
The ancient wisdom also just says that gender itself is nothing but a distortion of The One, an illusion, a game or a skin we put on.
Lucifer's appearance as a woman is just as real as anyone else's appearance as a woman. It's just a distortion if the one infinite creator.
You're jumping at the chance to find something dubious over which you can be concerned.
Quote:I offer you this warning because I have known many attached to cults and there is always some effort to control and manipulate their flock in such a way that the flock has no real idea of the true intent of the cult, and become simple blind pawns in a battle they do not even realize they are in.
When people engage in bad behaviour theres no doubt that it is partially bad. This is how I know that bring4th is partially bad--all the emotional invalidation , gas lighting, and irresponsible advice giving.
Quote:My loving advice is not to partake of cult behavior at all.
I have no reason to trust you. You don't even make an argument, you just assert your opinion. You also speak of something (a group) of which you have no knowledge, and yet you think your jumping to conclusions is meaningful advice. A more humble person would just say nothing because they would recognize they lack the information necessary to make a judgement. But your spiritual ego is so inflated you think that your snap judgements are meaningful even when it comes to things that you have not encountered and have no knowledge of.
Quote:However, if darkness, enslavement and greed is that which you seek to experience, then you are on the right path.
How could you possibly know this? You already equated a luciferian cult with a satanic cult indicating that you don't see the difference, therefore it's safe to say that you made a snap judgement based on the name itself.
If I directed my life by taking the blind advice of assumption-making spiritual know-it-alls on the Internet, THAT would be making the big mistake! THAT would be taking the wrong path!