(12-30-2012, 09:45 PM)Pickle Wrote: I don't believe in evil.
The term 'evil' is just another way of saying STS.
(12-30-2012, 09:45 PM)Pickle Wrote: Why people assume it is always just a shattered/lost aspect of the self I have no idea. It is like saying that any one of you are just an aspect of myself, which is saying that I leap past the whole chain of evolution and need not actually do anything at all. Which of course then removes the reason for being here in the first place.
Good point!
(12-30-2012, 10:18 PM)yossarian Wrote: Monica, I'm not really disturbed by my situation, I absolutely still hold to STO principles, and the cult is inline with them, and it does help with the anger.
Glad to hear that!

(12-30-2012, 10:18 PM)yossarian Wrote: I would actually quite easily agree with your comment about the purpose of the cult for me.
The whole thing about "evil" was just a bunch of speculation for the sake of discussion and seeing all perspectives.
I actually view Lucifer as the Goddess of Love and Light as opposed to the Ra Material view which is that Lucifer is the Devil. It just seems to me that Luciferian cults are more concerned with Light than Love, and the Light does seem very healthy to me.
Thanks for the explanation! Labels can be misleading, which is why I try to distill it down to STS/STO (absorbing/radiating) principles.
The bottom line for me is: Is the activity (whatever it may be) contributing to one's chosen polarity? That would be the measuring stick I would use, if unsure about something. Ie. is it making one a better person in the long run?
(12-30-2012, 10:18 PM)yossarian Wrote: Yeah. I wouldn't say I accepted the STS service, because I don't really feel that I accepted any service. I still believe that I'm choosing my life.
It's not like I said to the entity "OK you can do whatever!" it's more like I said, "Oh, you're a part of me..."
Ra also says to try and see the self in the other self. So the teaching is a bit confusing. I didn't accept the service in the sense of like, allowing it to hurt me or anything like that. Or doing something against my will.
Ah. When I read your first post, I thought you were saying it was a negative entity and you let it take up residence in you, and that afterwards you felt like it had influenced you into being more negative.
(12-30-2012, 10:18 PM)yossarian Wrote: Even then I was a strong believer in boundaries. It's just how this particular event went. I absolutely don't want some entity to scare me into doing something or coerce me. But in this case I'm not sure that it was an other-self because, like I said, I saw my self in it. What is the boundary between self and other self? Ra says it's an illusion anyway.
I found the demon scary but does that mean it was evil? Was it STS? Who can even know? It's not easy to judge someone's polarity let alone an "entity" that is just a subjective visualization. I'm sure that lots of bigots see other races as evil black scary demons yet that isn't true.
So I don't know what that was but it seemed to have come from this occult lodge and then it seemed to have been integrated into me in a perfectly comfortable way. Maybe I'm just picking up hitchhikers? Maybe I vacuumed up a spirit and absorbed it into my own and I'm cool with that because it was my twin flame or something? Who can know?
Those are all good questions and I don't know the answers to them. Would you mind if I asked these questions on Carla's radio show? This is excellent material for the show. And, Carla and Jim might have some insights that could be helpful to you.