12-30-2012, 06:59 PM
(12-30-2012, 05:00 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Aaron, it sounds like you've already done a lot of processing of this catalyst and are ready to let it go.
I have 3 suggestions:
1. Quit smoking weed for awhile, at least a few months, to clear your head. I got high every day during my teen years, then quit for awhile, then went back, and could no longer do it, because the doors of perception and been flung open and I was able to perceive entities at the periphery of my awareness when high. I realized that it made me more vulnerable. I am grateful for the years I did it - it was very beneficial - but I reached a point where it was counterproductive. I couldn't go back. At the very least, I suggest giving yourself a break from it for a good long while. Some psychics claim that it tears holes in the aura. I'm not sure if that's true, but if it is, you might be more vulnerable to entities because of the weed.
Disagree on grounds of always trying my best not to tell people to not do or do anything specifically relating to their own drug use. So I have to disagree on ethical grounds. But agree that failing else, try this.
Quote:2. Hire a shaman. They can be very good at cutting connections and sending entities packing. Their work will hold only if the person has fully utilized the catalyst, which you appear to have done. I can offer a referral if you like - someone who works long-distance. Pm me if want the contact info.
Agree, but not as a primary or first step. After first step tried would move to this.
Quote:3. You may have already addressed this, but the first thing that popped into my mind when I was praying for you was that you might still be carrying some guilt or shame over what now might seem like a foolish mistake. The key is to simultaneously acknowledge the lack of wisdom at the time, while forgiving yourself for it. (As opposed to brushing it off.) In other words, rather than focusing on your good intentions at the time, take a moment to delve into what now seems like an error in judgment, and fully confront it as such, while, at the same time, fully forgiving yourself for it. Forgiving yourself for having good intentions isn't the same as forgiving yourself for doing what you might now consider a mistake. The transformative power is in forgiving the part we're uncomfortable with. Just a suggestion!
This, this, a million times this.
Quote:Blessings to you!
Blessings to you!

to you too.
PS: I know I shouldn't but I suppose there may be an actual use to say "you" here for real and not just refer to my perceived other-self nature.
Never underestimate the difference between saying your sorry and meaning your sorry for trying to be nice and failing (saying you are sorry in terms of failing) , and saying your sorry and meaning you made an error in judgement and are working your best to correct said error will appreciate further input again if said error appears again(saying sorry in terms of "oh, sorry i didnt notice that bug, thanks for showing it to me").