Moderator note:
This question was originally posted here by Shin'Ar. Due to the amount of off-topic material in the post, it has been split to its own thread, found here. The question reads:
This question was originally posted here by Shin'Ar. Due to the amount of off-topic material in the post, it has been split to its own thread, found here. The question reads:
(12-29-2012, 11:01 AM)ShinAr Wrote: Carla,
could you further elaborate on your decision to remain a Christian in a church that you are aware has many failings with regard to doctrine and true spirituality? And could you further elaborate on how you manage to step beyond those many imperfections to still find the true 'connection' between your field and Christ's?
How do you personally manage that struggle between the lusts of the flesh, and the things of the Spirit?