12-25-2012, 08:45 PM
(12-25-2012, 06:24 PM)kdsii Wrote: With the grueling headaches, neck and back pain I deal with every moment of every day, yes, I think of suicide, often.
On this side of the wall, it seems like -this- existence seems unnatural, not the other way around. Like I'm stuck in a body that I shouldn't be, and in punishing circumstances.
Of course, I consider all the wondrous love that I have around me... like today.
But, my self-argument with suicide is not one from guilt, but of a long, long awaited sleep and mercy.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on a situation such as this... in a body of persistent pain, that makes you break down and feel like you're losing your mind at times.
It's easy to cite the law of attraction and new age bla bla bla, but when it comes down to the line, I think anyone can be pushed to suicide with circumstances out of their control.
As I was saying Kdsii, It is my humble thinking that if we do not have certain knowledge of what happens after death, we must weigh the risk of the unknown factors with the torment that is the reason we might want to risk anything that might end our suffering.
it is unfortunate that far too many fall vi9ctim to their 'beliefs' that, '...my self-argument with suicide is not one from guilt, but of a long, long awaited sleep and mercy...'
My question again is how do you know that death brings you a long awaited sleep and mercy? And what exactly is mercy?