12-25-2012, 01:44 AM
(12-24-2012, 03:57 PM)plenum Wrote: first of all, let us redefine these terms:
teacher: someone who is in a temporarily acknowledged position of greater understanding, knowledge, or insight
student: the one who is temporarily lacking in the understanding, knowledge or insight, and seeks to experience it from another, or have it brought to awareness by exposure to anothers patterns or configured energies
as one can see, one is not a teacher for life, or have that label except for the brief encounter between the two individuals. one can be a teacher in this, and a student in that. The label does not 'stick'.
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the problem in the modern age is that the sacred bond between the teacher and student has been broken. Instead of one to one interactions, where there is a distinct energy exchange, we have people declaiming from their videos, or doing paid presentations in hotel getaways. This is not teaching; this is filling another's head with information, sometimes indiscriminately.
the 'ancient' traditions relied heavily on a one-to-one, verbal relationship between the teacher and the learner. There was a relationship in other words, a sacred bond. There was an acknowledgement of each others uniqueness, and each others magnificent potentials. They saw the god-light in each other.
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in a true act of irony, I am declaiming these principles in a forum post which radiates outwards. : )
<note to mods; I made a similar post about effective teaching last week; if this is too similiar, I would prefer this to be the main post, and not that one. thanks>
I agree partially. I do not think that this bond of teaching/learning is broken wholesale today, but most certainly obscured by external motivations (monetary or status rewards). This has almost always been a problem since human kind has utilized symbolic systems (and therefore the ability of language).
Teaching/learning occurs when both participants are open to the learning process. This involves doubt, and uncertainty. Teaching/Learning can be quite uncomfortable in many ways. This 'distinct energy exchange' I believe may occur once or several times through out an interaction. An excellent teacher may sustain this energy transfer is the student is able to receive and reciprocate the exchange of open energy.
Most information today is taught in a 'banking' fashion where a teacher simply 'deposits' information into a students head and the student pays for that service. The teach/learning relationship is distorted in this way although any external motivator will disrupt or block partially the energy transfer.
I believe the 'sacred' bond is simple a manifestation of open energy exchange in act of teaching/learning. Both occur at the same time. One does not actually learn when simply being taught and one is unable to teach without learning.
I don't know if student/teachers saw the 'god-light' in each other. Perhaps the language is too specific for me. I believe a teach/learning relationship is one of mutual respect, friendship, openness, and insight. Once you begin closing off the energy transfer of communication, the act of teaching/learning is distorted.
Retaining this relationship is to teach for the end of knowledge, or towards the benefit of all sentient beings.