12-17-2012, 09:58 PM
(12-17-2012, 02:32 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: This morning, following a fitful sleep, I woke up with pangs of anxiety in my gut.
This is how I wake up nearly every day. For thirty-five years.
I also would wake in such a fit if I knew that this was going to be my experience every single morning.
It's like one of those perpetual motion gadgets that just builds its own energy.
It's a routine.
I sense very strongly that you have been having a recurring dream that you are instantly forgetting as soon as you wake, so quickly that you are not even aware of it.
It is something that is so suppressed within you that as soon as you wake, your system shuts it down.
This has been enabled by the length of the routine.
My advice is to devise something that you can do as soon as you wake that will get you up immediately doing that new thing, and breaking your routine.
I would also advise having a professional sleep test done where you could be monitored for possible hints at whatever this dream may be.