(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: Hi all!
I've been lurking around this forum for a while and finally decided to join you guys.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: My first post here might sound a bit negative, but these are some topics that I feel are very important for me to get some opinions on, to be able to continue releasing my fear and focus on helping and loving others, which is what I beneath all these distractions am trying to do.
You are in good company! Many of us have had similar fears and questions at times. Some of us will offer our experiences and opinions. Please use whatever resonates and discard anything that doesn't, or anything that increases fear.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: About 3-4 years ago I started to wake up/open up to different conspiracy theories, starting with 9/11 and continuing with global warming, "Illuminati", the ruling elite and so on. I also watched a lot of David Icke and other similar, then stumbled upon David Wilcock. I think I've touched most of it.
I did exactly the same thing! The deeper I dug, the deeper the rabbit hole got!
I finally realized that by digging so deeply, I was actually helping to create the very hole I was trying to get to the bottom of!
So I quit digging.
That's not to say that there isn't any value at all to being aware of some of those conspiracy theories. 911 is a good example. Since it was fairly recent, and because there is still so much fear and violence being perpetrated as a result of that Big Lie, I think it's important to wake people up to it...mainly so they'll quit supporting the violence.
Other examples of conspiracies that could yield some benefits if brought to mainstream awareness are fluoride, vaccinations, chemo, etc. Why? Because people are still being harmed by those lies.
But beyond that, it can become counterproductive. I don't think we really need to know all the intricacies of how the negative elite operates. Delving too deeply into that stuff can drag one down.
So, a good rule of thumb is: Is raising awareness of this particular lie/conspiracy constructive? Will it help others if this lie is brought to light? or will it just create fear?
If there is a constructive benefit, then yes, bring it to awareness. Lives can be saved, suffering lessened, by awakening people to the chemo scam or the vaccination scam. But what benefit is there in knowing the details of how the illuminati operate in their private meetings? Such details are useless and just evoke fear, with nothing gained.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: people saying Icke is disinfo, Wilcock is disinfo and so on. I also followed a lot of Wilcocks "insiders" who said stuff that never came true and that just drained me of energy and hope.
The same thing happened to me! It got very confusing.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: I came to the Cassiopea site, that brought a lot of fearful content
I thought the same about that.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: I have to admit that at one point this autumn I even fell into some of the more dogmatic christian conspiracy sites, not really buying in to it but thinking that there might be something to some of it and got very frightened for a while. It was like a huge struggle with my fear for several weeks. It actually hurt a lot in my heart and chest physically. Subjects like what is from god and what is from the devil/lucifer/satan or "demonic" or whatever. Essentially some people think that all other than christianity is from satan, like "new age", kundalini, yoga, chakras, channeling, spirit guides, "UFOs are actually demons" you name it. I cannot at all understand how I for a while could let this bother me so, since it had never done so before and I've allways been interested in the paranormal. It feels very silly and unreal to me, almost as if I suffered from some kind of "psychic attack" from something(I don't belive that is the case but just to describe the feeling)
It may very well have been a psychic attack. I was a Christian for 23 years, then got into New Age stuff, but it took a few years for my doubts and fears to subside about my new beliefs. The fears instilled in me by Christianity took a long time to release.
On several occasions, well-intentioned, fundamentalist Christians tried to convince me that everything I was doing, from acupuncture to vegetarianism, and everything in between, as all 'satanic' and I was being 'deceived by the devil.' That is laughable now, of course, but at the time, I got confused.
At one point, many years after I had left such fears behind, I actually heard a voice praying for me to come back to the Bible. For about an hour or so, I couldn't figure out where this sudden fear was coming from. The next day I learned that a well-intentioned 'friend' had been praying for me to come back to Christianity. I interpreted her 'prayers' as black magick, because it was against my will, and she knew it. She had asked me previously and I had said no, not interested, I am fine, but she was very insistent.
There is a huge amount of fear in the Abrahamic religions, and we know from Ra that there was a negative influence in those religions. It makes perfect sense to me now, but when I was first reading the Law of One, before I trusted it, when I was exploring, as you are now, I felt a sense of peace and clarity from reading it, that I had never gotten from any other source, including the Bible.
Actually, right before I read the Law of One, I had already concluded that the Bible could not possibly be "the word of God" because of all the evil in it. The old testament is full of genocide, wars, slavery, incest, rape, infanticide, blood sacrifice, and other creepy stuff. All supposedly "commanded by God." What kind of God is that???
So it was reading the Bible that turned me away from the Bible.
Then, shortly afterwards, I discovered the Law of One and realized that my instincts about the Bible were confirmed.
I have utmost respect for Jesus, of course, but it is the old testament that I dislike, and most of that fear you are experiencing from your Christian friends is rooted in the old testament. Jesus was all about "casting out fear" love, peace, forgiveness and healing.
I find the Law of One to be in alignment with the teachings of Jesus, but have absolutely rejected the fear-based old testament and any beliefs associated with it.
I have even concluded that the real purpose of books such as the Bible, and the various religions, is to present us with love and fear, so that we may choose.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: I've through the years also run into a lot of stuff like satanism, luciferianism among the elite, people claiming to have communicated with "satan" sold their souls or whatever. Another thing I've researched alot is Near-death-experiences. In very few cases there are examples of very "christian" near-death-experiences where the experiencer is told about the devil and his demons or what you want to call it.
They saw what they expected to see. Buddhists' near-death experiences are quite different.
Thai NDE
Quote:I climbed these stairs and found myself in the judgment hall of Yama's palace. I knew that they were ready to judge me for my sins. A giant rooster appeared who told Yama that I had killed him. He emphasized that I had tried to kill him again and again. The rooster said that he remembered me exactly. An entire flock of roosters also appeared and testified that I had killed them, as well. I remembered my actions, and I had to admit that the roosters had told the truth. Yama said that I had committed many sins, and sentenced me to many rebirths both as a chicken, and many other kinds of birds. After these births, I would then be reborn as an angelic being (Thevada) due to my having performed meritorious actions many times. After Yama was finished reading my sentence, he commanded a Yamatoot to take me to the place were I was to receive additional punishments. But, quite suddenly, an enormous turtle appeared. It screamed at Yama, saying "don't take him; he Is a good human, and he should be allowed to live." Yama asked the turtle " what did he do to help you?" The turtle answered. "Long ago, I almost died because another of these humans wanted to eat me. This man prevented him, and so, I was able to live out my life." Yama asked the turtle if he had any evidence. The turtle asked to be turned upside down, and told Yama to look at his underside where he would see where the man had carved his name so many years ago.
Yama saw the mans name was there just as the turtle had said, and believed the turtle's story. Yama announced that he was canceling the sentence, and told me that when I revived, I was to take a vow not to kill any living thing. He said that it was especially bad to kill animals because they had to live through so many lives in order to be reborn as humans. "Love the animals", he said, "as you love yourself".
I asked Yama: "what kind of meritorious actions must I perform in order to be reborn in your kingdom. As I came in, I saw your treasures, which are very great, and very beautiful". Yama answered, saying "You should build a temple. This will create a great deal of merit for you. You will then be reborn in my realm". Then Yama ordered one of the Yamatoots to take me to see the souls of those waiting to be reborn. I was taken to a beautiful garden, where they all lived. They wore the most beautiful clothes. I felt that they were so happy. I asked the Yamatoot, who was now acting as my guide, who they were. He said that they were going to be reborn on the earth. Their fortunate condition here was because they were without sin. I asked "will they be angels?" The Yamatoot answered that it was so. I then asked him to take me to see the Lord Buddha. I told him that I needed to see the Buddha. The Yamatoot looked up at the sky and pointed. "That big star," he said, "is the Lord Buddha, and all the little stars are the other enlightened ones: those who have followed the Dharma to the end. I'm afraid that you won't be able to see the Buddha in any other form. You are not pure enough." The Yamatoot then took me home, and I then revived.
Quite different from the Christian NDE, eh? Apparently the archetypal energies will manifest according to the person's cultural/religious biases. Christians may see angels or Jesus (or 'satan'), Buddhists may see Yamatoots, etc.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: I'm a little surpriced that the Ra material doesn't cover more of these topics about lucifer,
Ra covered only those topics initiated by Don, the questioner.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: A part of me feels that so much of the Ra-material resonates with me, but another part is afraid to maybe once more being lied to or whatever. Not ever being able to know what of it is true and what might be negatively influenced. I'm also very interested in Buddhism/buddha, Taoism, the teachings of Jesus not included in the bible and so on. There is so much positive loving material that I want to study, but some kind of fear is holding me back a little.
I felt the same way, and finally decided to follow the adage "judge a tree by its fruit" (there is some good in the Bible, haha!)
I realized that it didn't really matter what was literally 'true' as long as it bore good fruit. It didn't matter whether the details of Jesus' life happened exactly that way, or whether we live one life or many lives. What mattered was the present moment...finding love, joy, forgiveness, and compassion. Opening the heart. Knowledge is secondary.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: 1. Do you think there exists an entity like Lucifer/Devil/Satan? Or is it a "soul group" like what the hidden hand describes?
I think there is an enormous amount of evidence suggesting that negative entities do indeed exist. But is there one chief demon, 'satan' who rules over all the others, as in the Biblical depiction? Nah. I've often marveled at how Christians really believe in 2 'gods' - They seem to put 'satan' on equal footing as 'God' so there is this constant battle between the 'good' God and the 'bad' God.
Early Christian church leaders attached the negative image of evil to an existing Pagan god, Pan, who is benevolent. They did this to frighten the Pagans into converting to Christianity.
So is there really an evil 'god' with horns and a tail? Only in the sense that it's become a thought-form, because so many people believe in it.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: 2. What is the connection between the Orion group and this entity/group (If it exists)?
People perceive STS entities (such as those from Orion) in various forms, according to their cultural/religious beliefs.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: 3. What are demons? Are demons part of the Orion group?
Demon is just a religious term for an STS entity that's not incarnate (in physical form).
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: 4. All the gods that have been spoken about in different mythologies, what are they? Who/what are people whorsipping?
These are people's perceptions of various aspects of the One Infinite Creator.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: 5. Do you think it's possible to "sell your soul" to any of these "groups" entities, the way many people describe? Or have a "pact" or what you will call it.
No, not permanently. One could agree to a pact, but always has the power to end the agreement. The negatives just try to frighten the victim into thinking it's permanent, and maintain power and control that way. As soon as the 'victim' realizes s/he has the power to be free, s/he IS free! It is only the fear that keeps one in bondage. Release the fear, and the bonds are broken...there is no pact that can keep one in bondage, except fear.
And since negative entities lie and cheat anyway, if one realized they'd made a pact with a negative entity, how could it be binding? Since the negatives don't even recognize virtues like honor, honesty, keeping one's word, etc. They just want the victim to think s/he is stuck, and remain fearful.
Each person is ultimately in charge of his/her own soul and can always change his choices and agreements. The idea of having sold one's soul is a fear tactic used by STS entities...they feed on fear!
Forgiveness breaks the cycle of karma. And, as a great Master once said, "perfect love casts out fear." So the solution is always love and forgiveness...that is the ticket out of any bad situation. All the masters and sages of all the world's religions all agree on that!
NO pact can withstand the power of love and forgiveness.
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Daniel_ Wrote: I want to make it clear that I am not a dogmatic christian or anything like that, I just feel the need to research these things for some reason, probably to be able to release my fears. Maybe some of you have had similar questions at one time.
Also I hope my english is understandable.
Your English is fine!

PS. You might find Carla's radio show helpful as you sort all this out. She is a Christian mystic, and has managed to reconcile her Christianity with the Law of One. I interview her and Jim every Friday evening. I invite you to join us! Your questions are welcome on the show!
Carla and Jim's radio show