12-14-2012, 03:51 AM
(12-13-2012, 11:17 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: ...based on recent election antics around the U.S., approximately half of the population can't tell when they're blatantly being lied to, and the approximate other half doesn't care.
Would it matter in 4D, i.e. are we having elections, presidents and politics in fourth density?
Tenet Nosce Wrote:Love might be a universal solvent, but it alone will not solve all the problems of every day living.
You're right. Not when we are still in 3D.
Tenet Nosce Wrote:Or at the very least, that those who would choose to communicate with clear blue-ray are able to easily identify and associate with each other without having to wade through swamps of misinformation and BS or having to dodge political ploys at every turn.
In order to build a new world, we need conscious co-Creators, not just "shiny happy people holding hands." This is perhaps what Ra is referring to in the quote... the green energy center may be shining brightly, but it is the balance of the totality (violet-ray) which is most pertinent to harvestability.
Quote:for those entities which are unbalanced, especially as to the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.
Since the primary rays are red, yellow, and blue it would appear from the above quote that activated green ray is not the sole requirement for graduation. If blue ray is yet unbalanced, the entity will not be able to withstand intelligent infinity.
You might be right, Tenet. I don't know such things. It's just that in my eyes, people who are screaming "love and light" while wanting to jail other selves using "an eye for an eye" technique, are still cought up in something else than the green ray. But you are also right in regards to this is still being a third density society, thus some actions towards these "liers, swindlers and cheats" might be taken. It's just that I don't see it as being congruent with a 4D society...