12-13-2012, 02:01 PM
(12-13-2012, 10:43 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Anybody have some additional insight as to the balance/unbalance of the violet-ray? I had previously thought it was more like a passive readout of the state of the other energy centers.
Yeah, I am also of an interpretation of the violet ray being an indicator of the whole, it is constant and is the mark, the register and the true vibration of an entity. Being a total sum of the vibratory level of an entity, it can not be manipulated as other energy centers, according to Ra, who furthermore says that it has no importance in the balancing of an entity. However, they did say that it "gives and takes in its own balance", whatever that might mean

"It is as it will be, “balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance." (Ra, 15:12)
Tenet Nosce Wrote:Also...by "primary rays" are they referring to red, yellow, and blue? From this quote further down it would appear so, but this session jumps around a lot...
I am also of an impression that the primary energy centers are red, yellow and blue. "When green ray has been activated we find the third primary ray being able to begin potentiation. This is the first true spiritual ray in that all transfers are of an integrated mind/body/spirit nature. The blue ray seats the learning/teachings of the spirit in each density within the mind/body complex, animating the whole, communicating to others this entirety of beingness." (Ra, 39:10)
Did the quote that you posted in regards to the blue being a primary energy center confuse you in some way or made you to believe that the blue was not the primary energy center? In this Q/A for instance Ra speaks very clearly about the blue being the primary energy center, in my understanding. Or did I misunderstand something in your question?