12-12-2012, 03:37 PM
(12-12-2012, 02:06 PM)zenmaster Wrote: It's amazing how far the internet meme has gone in shaping people's expectations.
Agreed. Facebook, Google and YouTube have helped spread various "memes" (collective though-forms), including but not limited to: the 2012 Mayan Calendar meme (in both its "doom n' gloom end-of-the-world" version as well as it's more positively-oriented "spiritual ascension gateway" one), the zombie outbreak apocalypse meme, and the UFO sighting hysteria meme, among others.
12/12/12 has no inherent spiritual significance for the very simple reason that this date—the number synchronicity—is nothing but an arbitrary number based on an arbitrary numbering/measuring system (calendar). In an alternate/parallel reality this very same day may have been 12th of October of the year 2435 and be no different than any other day. Or it could have been called Gummy-bears, Chocolates and Teacups in Alice and Wonderland—or Teacups Teacups Teacups and it'd also be truly synchronous, wouldn't you say?
Furthermore, according to some people, our current Gregorian calendar is off by a few years. So maybe 12/12/12 already happened two years ago, or it hasn't even happened yet. And what if we had kept going with the Julian calendar instead of switching to the Gregorian one circa 1582? Wouldn't it be a completely different day today? Or what if we never had the AD/DC split? Would we be living in 2012 today or in 6012?
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
So I agree with zen. And I agree with Ra in that events have no emotional charge in and of themselves—the charge is given unto them by the observer's action/reaction to the situation. This is no different. It is people that are giving the "spiritual charge," so to speak, to this particular date: just as one's thoughts affect one's immediate personal reality, so too collective thoughts affect reality at a collective, global scale.
The "collectiveness" of our present paradigm, shall we say, is simply a symptom of the very early phases of 4th-density.
I personally never cared about time and clocks and dates and arbitrary numbering measurements myself, which is why I am not terribly concerned with the ubiquitous December 21st 2012 either. In fact, I do not even celebrate my birthdays every year nor do I pay any attention to other arbitrary cultural holidays. However, this does not mean I do not perceive very noticeable energetic fluctuations surrounding particular dates and holidays. When people focus their thoughts and intention and even congregate at a particular space/time for a very specific purpose, the changes in the "energetic environment," shall we say, are very noticeable (either positively and negatively); especially when it's a widespread, massively collective event of global magnitude (i.e. Christmas, New Year, 9/11). So I am not saying this day (12/12/12) is utterly insignificant, I am simply saying people have collectively "agreed" to give this day a spiritually significant charge. This is why dates/events such as these "work." However, as with all things, the usefulness or degree of efficacy (speed and magnitude of result/manifestation) in every event or action depends on the strength/intensity of desire/will/intention behind the thoughts and beliefs, expectations, etc, of the individual/group behind it. In this sense, it is also largely demographic; that is, those for whom this day means nothing at all whatsoever will experience nothing significantly different than any other day whatsoever; those who expect otherwise, will experience something significant out of this specific date as a result.
I do concede that the phenomenon of synchronicity is a very powerful and useful catalyst (I've been getting 1:11 and 11:11 on digital clocks all year long, for example, and I didn't even "ask" for it).
As our friend Bashar would say, 12/12/12 is a "permission slip" to allow yourselves an opportunity to increase the planetary vibrations to aid in the planetary transition into 4D.
I would remind you: there is no time. (This does not negate, however, the fact that the rest of the population still endorses an agreed-upon arbitrary time-measuring system, which does have an effect on collective reality as a whole, of which I—as well as you—am an inherent part of.) And I can tell you from direct, personal experience that there is quite a huge difference between someone who lives life following schedules, meeting deadlines and living rigorously by the clock, and another one living his life in a more "atemporal" fashion! One yields a much more blissful life, the other one does not; I'm sure you can guess which one is which.
My suggestion is therefore this: if you want 4th-density NOW, live and act and think and behave and imagine as if you were living in 4th-density ALL-READY. Don't "wait" for it, don't wait for some thing to happen, or for a particular date to arrive.
Time is not the ultimate determinator: it is YOU.