12-09-2012, 07:02 PM
hi all.
I like to see results of major cycles by looking at the same patterns in lesser cycles. after lesser cycle X, Y occurs.
thus at cycle Z, I will look for a harmonic of Y.
analogy: a college has two major semesters. I move to this city in November and I want to see what the June graduation ceremony will be like. I realize that there is a smaller graduation in late december after the first semester ends. I visit this ceremony and take notes. whatever they do then will be repeated in June, when *most* of the seniors graduate.
a guide once wrote about a legend about Jesus. he says that this legend is where the saints who died before Jesus died, all waited in the lower heavens until He died so that they all could go up with him to the father.
this guide then explained....
----explained that this Point in time was a minor Graduation of souls
and that many old old souls were on their last incarnation and thus were ready to permanently Ascend. They all did so at Jesus's death.
the result of this, he says, is that Rome empire lost most of its old souls!
within a few years, only young souls incarnated and there went the leadership, the military leaders, the Humanities! but it took a number of hundred years before Rome fell apart. only in the eastern rome and the arab countries were there older souls left.
few painters could even paint in perspective, he says. back to pre-rome dark ages of baby and young souls. Jesus *himself* took the references about reincarnation out of the Bible, as this Idea would utterly confuse the Babies, he says!!
thus i suspect indeed that the full moving to complete harvest/ascension, will take hundreds of years. Rome fell in 450 AD.
I like to see results of major cycles by looking at the same patterns in lesser cycles. after lesser cycle X, Y occurs.
thus at cycle Z, I will look for a harmonic of Y.
analogy: a college has two major semesters. I move to this city in November and I want to see what the June graduation ceremony will be like. I realize that there is a smaller graduation in late december after the first semester ends. I visit this ceremony and take notes. whatever they do then will be repeated in June, when *most* of the seniors graduate.
a guide once wrote about a legend about Jesus. he says that this legend is where the saints who died before Jesus died, all waited in the lower heavens until He died so that they all could go up with him to the father.
this guide then explained....
----explained that this Point in time was a minor Graduation of souls
and that many old old souls were on their last incarnation and thus were ready to permanently Ascend. They all did so at Jesus's death.
the result of this, he says, is that Rome empire lost most of its old souls!
within a few years, only young souls incarnated and there went the leadership, the military leaders, the Humanities! but it took a number of hundred years before Rome fell apart. only in the eastern rome and the arab countries were there older souls left.
few painters could even paint in perspective, he says. back to pre-rome dark ages of baby and young souls. Jesus *himself* took the references about reincarnation out of the Bible, as this Idea would utterly confuse the Babies, he says!!
thus i suspect indeed that the full moving to complete harvest/ascension, will take hundreds of years. Rome fell in 450 AD.