12-09-2012, 01:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2012, 03:01 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-08-2012, 08:18 PM)rie Wrote: So would sending love to negative entities, or love to any being be beneficial to self i.e., working on own catalyst?
It's difficult to say. I suppose that, to the degree that the sender experiences themselves as a source of Love, that would be positively polarizing, and therefore beneficial from that standpoint.
On the other hand- this might be balanced out by the degree to which they have reinforced the notion of separation between themselves and the intended recipient by judging the recipient to have a relative "lack" of love and themselves a relative "abundance."
For the recipient, it depends on how they respond. Does the receiving of love make them feel empowered? Or further victimized? For negative entities- do they feel attacked or oppressed by such an energy? My guess is... yes, they would.
It all comes down to mindset. If you, rie, told me you were feeling down and could use some support, I might direct some love energy your way. But this is merely a "band-aid" approach. If I do not make an effort to assist you in reconnecting with your own inner source of Love, then I have not helped you long-term.
Moreover, since I already know that you have an inner source of Love, for me to ignore that would be somewhat iniquitous. Why would I not remind you to seek love for yourself within? Am I trying to make you become dependent upon me for love and validation? Am I addicted to playing the role of the "hero"? Am I so lacking in self-love that I cannot see or acknowledge it in others?
These are the types of considerations that come into play.
(12-08-2012, 04:45 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Yes, but since this forum is biased towards STO, we usually make the assumption that we're all on the same page. It is an underlying presupposition in all our discussions.
That is true... in theory. Another assumption is that people here have actually read the Ra Material in its entirety before diving head-first into a philosophical debate about the concepts.
Or how about this from Guideline 1?
Quote:each on this forum IS the Creator.
How many times have we had to re-hash this fundamental point of the Law of One in the context of another discussion?
Or, this one from Guideline 3?
Quote:examined through the lens of the Law of One
How many times have we seen irritation because of an attempt to apply the lens of the Law of One to a subject? Or an annoyance at those who offer quotes on a topic? Ummm... isn't this a Law of One forum? Isn't the entire purpose of the forum to discuss things in this context?
Anyway... I could go on but I'm sure you have the basic gist.

Quote:I think balance is overrated.
Yeah- Tell me about it!

Quote:Why should we be concerned about something that takes millions of years to achieve? And even then, there might be yet higher levels of 'balance' to aspire to. I think it's more of a distraction, really. And sometimes a justification.
These are valid points. But you might be forgetting that we all (ostensibly) have read the Ra Material. Having encountered certain information contained therein- we now have the honor/duty/responsibility to put it into practice, to the best of our ability.
This doesn't mean that we all have to agree on exactly what they said. Or even that we have to agree with what they said at all!
However- that doesn't abrogate our responsibility to aspire to ever higher expressions of faith, love, compassion, and wisdom. And eventually- in order to do this some balancing must be involved. If we want to achieve "grandmaster" level with respect to compassion, then faith and wisdom are needed to take us to that level of adepthood.
Assuming we have all read the material... this means the "cat is out of the bag" with respect to certain understandings that most people are probably completely oblivious to. Now these understandings have become our responsibility to teach/learn.
This includes seeking the "wisdom to refrain from battle." This doesn't mean we must place an expectation upon ourselves to attain 5D levels of wisdom while in 3D. What is DOES mean is that, wherein the "wisdom to refrain from battle" is offered... we should recognize it as something to be sought for and accepted, and perhaps even express gratitude and humility for the opportunity to get a head start on lessons that others may not encounter for many millions of years, rather than railing against it and getting pissy and defensive whenever it is mentioned.