12-08-2012, 02:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2012, 03:04 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-08-2012, 01:53 PM)Siren Wrote: I believe I do understand where Tenet Nosce is coming from (I've also witnessed the "let's bombard the world with love!" attitude of many/most New Age groups nowadays).
What would you see as the potential consequences of this? In particular, which consequences might be unforeseen due to a relative lack of wisdom with this approach?
Quote:May I toss a few cents?
Your "loose change" is always welcome.

Quote:This is important to keep in mind, for the "heart chakra" is not the fullness of the Love of the Creator; it is, however, beginning to consciously appreciate and practice that all-encompassing Universal Love that is being the Creator.
Exactly. And yet, once the energy has arrived at the "heart chakra" there is a natural propensity for it to overflow into blue and indigo. Attempting to "block" this natural flow is... naturally... a blockage.
Quote:Now, let us rewind and get back to our present space/time nexus: this planetary sphere is but beginning the very early phases of 4th-density.
Which is precisely why there is a certain vulnerability to particular distortions at this nexus.
Quote:And the lessons of green-ray compassion/love are are not going to be learned in one day nor in one incarnation/lifetime!
Certainly not. But that doesn't change the nature of the lessons.
Let's rewind even further- to the beginning of 3D. Certain distorting influences which were present at the beginning of this cycle led directly to an experience of perpetual war and bloodshed. This was not necessary. 3D beings do not need to war with each other in order to learn the lessons of 3D.
Neither do 4D beings need to war with each other in order to learn the lessons of 4D.
Quote:There is a reason why green-ray love/compassion precedes blue-ray wisdom/love. Compassionate understanding or unconditional acceptance is central to the Creation, which is why green-ray lies right at the core/center/middle (the "heart") between the 3 lower/outer rays/densities and the 3 higher/inner. This is not at all a random coincidence! It is a perfect Creation of Love.
Yes- but part of the perfection of the Creation is that the green-ray naturally opens up into blue and indigo. Wherein there is an attempt to keep the energy in green-ray, this generates an imbalance.
Therefore, there is a reciprocal relationship between those who exalt and glorify green-ray above all the others, and those who deny green-ray and exalt/glorify all the other rays above green. In other words- what we perceive as "negative entities" is a balancing mechanism to the overexpression/bias of Creation toward the green-ray.
Balance is the key. To the degree that "positive entities" balance their green-ray activity is to the degree that "negative entities" open up to it.
Quote:PS: Tenet Nosce, remember that it is not required for a 3rd-density student to express nor practice nor achieve a perfect 100% score in service-to-others to graduate to 4th-density. Similarly, wisdom is not at all required to graduate to 4D either.
You are right, wisdom is not required for graduation. On the flip side, there is nothing prohibiting us from contemplating it here and now. All I am doing is offering a signpost at what I perceive to be the appropriate nexus.
The irony is wherein those who consider themselves "loving and compassionate" react with vehemence and take offense whenever an offer of wisdom is made.