12-08-2012, 01:53 PM
I believe I do understand where Tenet Nosce is coming from (I've also witnessed the "let's bombard the world with love!" attitude of many/most New Age groups nowadays).
May I toss a few cents?
First of all, the entire Creation is of Love. Each density/energy nexus represents and recapitulates a certain quality of the Universal Love of the One Infinite Creator. Green-ray is compassion/love, not blue-ray wisdom/love nor indigo-ray unity/love. Yet all is Love—or degrees of that One Love. This is important to keep in mind, for the "heart chakra" is not the fullness of the Love of the Creator; it is, however, beginning to consciously appreciate and practice that all-encompassing Universal Love that is being the Creator.
The nature of green-ray energy is therefore naturally rooted in total compassion, forgiveness, acceptance (or total non-compassion, non-forgiveness, non-acceptance in the case of the negative practice of service/seeking). This kind of love is 4th-density love: it is love uninformed by wisdom. Green-ray is therefore a love that is foolhardy, for this is the lesson of 4th-density: compassionate understanding or unconditional acceptance (or its inverted opposite for negatively-polarized entities)—yet it is not wisdom; however, it is striving towards wisdom: the lesson of 5th-density and blue ray.
Now, let us rewind and get back to our present space/time nexus: this planetary sphere is but beginning the very early phases of 4th-density. And the lessons of green-ray compassion/love are are not going to be learned in one day nor in one incarnation/lifetime! So it's alright (even expected) to see love uninformed by wisdom. This foolhardiness of 4th-density love leads to the wisdom/love characteristic of 5th-density just as 3rd-density "social/family/group-relations kind of love" lead to the more refined unconditional/planetary love characteristic of 4th density.
There is a reason why green-ray love/compassion precedes blue-ray wisdom/love. Compassionate understanding or unconditional acceptance is central to the Creation, which is why green-ray lies right at the core/center/middle (the "heart") between the 3 lower/outer rays/densities and the 3 higher/inner. This is not at all a random coincidence! It is a perfect Creation of Love.
PS: Tenet Nosce, remember that it is not required for a 3rd-density student to express nor practice nor achieve a perfect 100% score in service-to-others to graduate to 4th-density. Similarly, wisdom is not at all required to graduate to 4D either.
May I toss a few cents?
First of all, the entire Creation is of Love. Each density/energy nexus represents and recapitulates a certain quality of the Universal Love of the One Infinite Creator. Green-ray is compassion/love, not blue-ray wisdom/love nor indigo-ray unity/love. Yet all is Love—or degrees of that One Love. This is important to keep in mind, for the "heart chakra" is not the fullness of the Love of the Creator; it is, however, beginning to consciously appreciate and practice that all-encompassing Universal Love that is being the Creator.
The nature of green-ray energy is therefore naturally rooted in total compassion, forgiveness, acceptance (or total non-compassion, non-forgiveness, non-acceptance in the case of the negative practice of service/seeking). This kind of love is 4th-density love: it is love uninformed by wisdom. Green-ray is therefore a love that is foolhardy, for this is the lesson of 4th-density: compassionate understanding or unconditional acceptance (or its inverted opposite for negatively-polarized entities)—yet it is not wisdom; however, it is striving towards wisdom: the lesson of 5th-density and blue ray.
Now, let us rewind and get back to our present space/time nexus: this planetary sphere is but beginning the very early phases of 4th-density. And the lessons of green-ray compassion/love are are not going to be learned in one day nor in one incarnation/lifetime! So it's alright (even expected) to see love uninformed by wisdom. This foolhardiness of 4th-density love leads to the wisdom/love characteristic of 5th-density just as 3rd-density "social/family/group-relations kind of love" lead to the more refined unconditional/planetary love characteristic of 4th density.
There is a reason why green-ray love/compassion precedes blue-ray wisdom/love. Compassionate understanding or unconditional acceptance is central to the Creation, which is why green-ray lies right at the core/center/middle (the "heart") between the 3 lower/outer rays/densities and the 3 higher/inner. This is not at all a random coincidence! It is a perfect Creation of Love.
PS: Tenet Nosce, remember that it is not required for a 3rd-density student to express nor practice nor achieve a perfect 100% score in service-to-others to graduate to 4th-density. Similarly, wisdom is not at all required to graduate to 4D either.