Tenet, I can appreciate your concerns, but didn't really have anything to add, because Lynn's original post was sheer perfection.
But I just thought of something that might help clarify:
I agree that sending 'love bombs' to STS entities for the purpose of changing them is spiritual warfare and is the same as them sending hate/fear bombs to STOs.
However, that isn't what we're doing.
We are actually doing the opposite of engaging in spiritual warfare. The whole point of the meditation is to stop the spiritual warfare!
How? With love, acceptance and forgiveness.
The whole planet has been trapped in a stranglehold of karmic ties with these entities for milennia, and now it's time for those ties to become unraveled. The people are crying for release. Do you hear them? I hear them. I hear their pleas for help. So many 3D entities are waking up to the realization that they've been lied to, drugged, and taken advantage of by the power elite.
They are fighting back, but they are still locked into 'fight' mode so their way of fighting is to stockpile weapons and hunker down for the zombie apocalypse.
They don't understand what is happening. They still think in terms of good and evil...and that's it's ok for good to fight evil because good is nicer.
These people are such dear souls. I know some of them and so do you. They are doing what they can to make ends meet. They do volunteer work and sincerely care about helping others....They have children and want to leave the world a better place...Their hearts are just beginning to flower and it's a lovely sight to behold.
They are harvestable, many of them.
They are calling. I hear their call. Do you?
They need some help. We have the ability to help them. We can intercede. We can reach out in love, acceptance and forgiveness to those entities who have kept these younger souls hostage. Not to change them. We have no expectation of outcome; thus, it isn't controlling.
We have awakened. Think of it as asking the negative elite to pass the torch to the Lightbearers of the New Age.
The negative elite were the leaders (darkness bearers?) of the ending age. Their time is up. We aren't trying to control them. We simply recognize that they are leaving and we're saying good-bye, while allowing them to pass the torch to us.
"We" being the awakened Wanderers AND the newly harvestable 3D entities...anyone who is consciously working to usher in a brighter reality on this planet.
The STS entities controlled. But we won't, because that is not in our nature. We will illuminate.
They obscured the light; we will radiate it.
They polluted the planet; we will honor her.
They served their purpose. Their work is done. And so we honor them and thank them...while, at the same time, letting them know that we are ready to do our jobs, so they can retire.
To continue to think in terms of 'spiritual warfare' is to continue the illusion of separation.
Our meditation is going beyond the illusion into Oneness.
It is on this level that the tangled knots can be untangled. On this level, the STS entities understand because they too serve the Creator.
But I just thought of something that might help clarify:
I agree that sending 'love bombs' to STS entities for the purpose of changing them is spiritual warfare and is the same as them sending hate/fear bombs to STOs.
However, that isn't what we're doing.
We are actually doing the opposite of engaging in spiritual warfare. The whole point of the meditation is to stop the spiritual warfare!
How? With love, acceptance and forgiveness.
The whole planet has been trapped in a stranglehold of karmic ties with these entities for milennia, and now it's time for those ties to become unraveled. The people are crying for release. Do you hear them? I hear them. I hear their pleas for help. So many 3D entities are waking up to the realization that they've been lied to, drugged, and taken advantage of by the power elite.
They are fighting back, but they are still locked into 'fight' mode so their way of fighting is to stockpile weapons and hunker down for the zombie apocalypse.
They don't understand what is happening. They still think in terms of good and evil...and that's it's ok for good to fight evil because good is nicer.
These people are such dear souls. I know some of them and so do you. They are doing what they can to make ends meet. They do volunteer work and sincerely care about helping others....They have children and want to leave the world a better place...Their hearts are just beginning to flower and it's a lovely sight to behold.
They are harvestable, many of them.
They are calling. I hear their call. Do you?
They need some help. We have the ability to help them. We can intercede. We can reach out in love, acceptance and forgiveness to those entities who have kept these younger souls hostage. Not to change them. We have no expectation of outcome; thus, it isn't controlling.
We have awakened. Think of it as asking the negative elite to pass the torch to the Lightbearers of the New Age.
The negative elite were the leaders (darkness bearers?) of the ending age. Their time is up. We aren't trying to control them. We simply recognize that they are leaving and we're saying good-bye, while allowing them to pass the torch to us.
"We" being the awakened Wanderers AND the newly harvestable 3D entities...anyone who is consciously working to usher in a brighter reality on this planet.
The STS entities controlled. But we won't, because that is not in our nature. We will illuminate.
They obscured the light; we will radiate it.
They polluted the planet; we will honor her.
They served their purpose. Their work is done. And so we honor them and thank them...while, at the same time, letting them know that we are ready to do our jobs, so they can retire.
To continue to think in terms of 'spiritual warfare' is to continue the illusion of separation.
Our meditation is going beyond the illusion into Oneness.
It is on this level that the tangled knots can be untangled. On this level, the STS entities understand because they too serve the Creator.